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It every day so far this month. I can't ...

It            every day so far this month. I can't tell you if it             tomorrow.

A. rained; rains                                                                  B. is raining; shall rain  

C. has been raining; rains                                                D. has rained; will rain


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态:句意:这个月到现在为止一直在下雨,我不告诉你明天是否下雨。第一空填现在完成时,和so far连用,第二空用一般将来时和tomorrow连用,表示将来,这里if不是引导条件状语从句,而是引导宾语从句,“是否”,选D。 考点:考查时态

All the drivers dislike driving on the narrow roads ________________?

A. don’t they                        B. don’t each of them        C. do I                          D. don’t you



Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer     it was 20 years ago,_____ it was so poorly equipped.

A.what;when                 B.that;which                  C.what; which         D.which;that





Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about my opinion on Chinese students going abroad for further studies at an early age.




[1]It is believed that in such a competitive age, art education is close to an unnecessary part in schools today. However, most of the advantages that a student would gain out of a basic education in art are almost unbelievable.

[2]There has been years of research involved in the importance of art education and what art education goals are. The studies prove that what students gain out of an art education is almost unbeatable, where any other course is concerned.

[3]Motivation, inspiration and concentration are some of the most prominently recorded benefits that a young student can get from taking education. For a young person’s personal growth and development an education in art is something that is considered to be very important as changing the way one looks at the world.

[4]A child whose parents are rich will naturally and very often be exposed to art, whether it is in the form of art pieces hanging at home or visits to fashionable art museums etc. This has again been seen over the years by researchers. At the same time, it has been noticed that exposure to art is something that is very distant for children who belong to families with little money and they end up spending their childhood without forming any connection with art.

[5]Art education goals in school therefore should be that ________ the wonders of art should be given to all students, whatever age group and whatever their family backgrounds are, because one never knows where talent might be hidden.

[6]However, art education goals have been slipping away from our education system for more twenty years now as people have begun to pay less importance to the requirement of art in their children’s lives. The reasons for this could be stressful budgets as well as stuffing of curriculum in classrooms s part of State mandates. Whatever these unfortunate reasons are, people have to once again realize art education goals and how they can actually be helping each student.

1.What is the best title for the text? (no more than 8 words)


2. Point out the benefits a young student can get from taking education from paragraph 3. (no more than 5 words)


3.Fill in the blank in paragraph 5 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)


4.Why does the art education goals slip away from our education system? (no more than 8 words)


5.What does the word “This” (Line 2, Paragraph 4) probably refer to? (no more than 9 words)




 In times of economic crisis, Americans turn to their families for support. If the Great Depression is any guide, we may see a drop in our skyhigh divorce rate. But this won’t necessarily represent an increase in happy marriages. In the long run, the Depression weakened American families, and the current crisis will probably do the same.

  We tend to think of the Depression as a time when families pulled together to survive huge job losses. By 1932, when nearly one-quarter of the workforce was unemployed, the divorce rate had declined by around 25% from 1929. But this doesn’t mean people were suddenly happier with their marriages. Rather, with incomes decreasing and insecure jobs, unhappy couples often couldn’t afford to divorce. They feared neither spouse could manage alone.

  Today, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy couples will risk starting separate households. Furthermore, the housing market meltdown will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes.

  After financial disasters family members also tend to do whatever they can to help each other and their communities. A 1940 book “The Unemployed Man and His Family”, described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job “with tireless search for work.” He was always active, looking for odd jobs to do.

  The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain. Across the country, many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale(士气). For some, the hardships of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their families together. The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the decade as the recovery took hold.

  Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.

  Today’s economic crisis could well generate a similar number of couples whose relationships have been irreparably(无法弥补地)ruined. So it’s only when the economy is healthy again that we’ll begin to see just how many broken families have been created.

1.In the initial stage, the current economic crisis is likely to __________.

A. tear many troubled families apart

B. bring about a drop in the divorce rate

C. contribute to enduring family ties

D. cause a lot of conflicts in the family

2.In the Great Depression many unhappy couples chose to stick together because_______.

A. starting a new family would be hard

B. they expected things would turn better

C. they wanted to better protect their kids

D. living separately would be too costly

3.In addition to job losses. What stands in the way of unhappy couples getting a divorce?

A. Mounting family debts

B. A sense of insecurity

C. Falling housing prices

D. Difficulty in getting a loan

4.What will the current economic crisis eventually do to some married couples?

A. It will irreparably damage their relationship

B. It will undermine their mutual understanding

C. It will help strengthen their emotional bonds

D. It will force them to pull their efforts together

5.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The economic recovery will see a higher divorce rate

B. Few couples can stand the test of economic hardships

C. A stable family is the best protection against poverty.

D. Money is the foundation of many a happy marriage



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