满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For passengers traveling into the city, ...

For passengers traveling into the city, taxis and car services charge ________ 50 dollars.

A. immediately                    B. approximately                 C. relatively                D. decreasingly


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词:A. immediately立刻,B. approximately       大约,C. relatively   相对的,D. decreasingly 减少地,句意:对到城里旅游的乘客,出租车和汽车的服务费用大约是50美元。选B。 考点:考查副词

It            every day so far this month. I can't tell you if it             tomorrow.

A. rained; rains                                                                  B. is raining; shall rain  

C. has been raining; rains                                                D. has rained; will rain



All the drivers dislike driving on the narrow roads ________________?

A. don’t they                        B. don’t each of them        C. do I                          D. don’t you



Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer     it was 20 years ago,_____ it was so poorly equipped.

A.what;when                 B.that;which                  C.what; which         D.which;that





Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about my opinion on Chinese students going abroad for further studies at an early age.




[1]It is believed that in such a competitive age, art education is close to an unnecessary part in schools today. However, most of the advantages that a student would gain out of a basic education in art are almost unbelievable.

[2]There has been years of research involved in the importance of art education and what art education goals are. The studies prove that what students gain out of an art education is almost unbeatable, where any other course is concerned.

[3]Motivation, inspiration and concentration are some of the most prominently recorded benefits that a young student can get from taking education. For a young person’s personal growth and development an education in art is something that is considered to be very important as changing the way one looks at the world.

[4]A child whose parents are rich will naturally and very often be exposed to art, whether it is in the form of art pieces hanging at home or visits to fashionable art museums etc. This has again been seen over the years by researchers. At the same time, it has been noticed that exposure to art is something that is very distant for children who belong to families with little money and they end up spending their childhood without forming any connection with art.

[5]Art education goals in school therefore should be that ________ the wonders of art should be given to all students, whatever age group and whatever their family backgrounds are, because one never knows where talent might be hidden.

[6]However, art education goals have been slipping away from our education system for more twenty years now as people have begun to pay less importance to the requirement of art in their children’s lives. The reasons for this could be stressful budgets as well as stuffing of curriculum in classrooms s part of State mandates. Whatever these unfortunate reasons are, people have to once again realize art education goals and how they can actually be helping each student.

1.What is the best title for the text? (no more than 8 words)


2. Point out the benefits a young student can get from taking education from paragraph 3. (no more than 5 words)


3.Fill in the blank in paragraph 5 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)


4.Why does the art education goals slip away from our education system? (no more than 8 words)


5.What does the word “This” (Line 2, Paragraph 4) probably refer to? (no more than 9 words)




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