满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not only _______interested in Beijing O...

 Not only _______interested in Beijing Opera but ______beginning to show an interest in it.

A. the father himself is; all his children are

B. the father himself is; are all his children

C. is the father himself; are all his children

D. is the father himself; all his children are


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查倒装。Not only... but also句型中的Not only位于句首时,Not only后用部分倒装,排除A、B;but also不到装,排除C。故选D。 考点:考查倒装

—Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday?

—______, Bob, but I promised Mary I’d go with her.

A. Forget it    B. Thanks   C. Take it easy      D. My pleasure



________ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

A. Having checked B. Checking         C. If you check       D. To check



Ray is a new graduate, and it seems that he has difficulty in dealing with ________ problems arise.

A. whichever      B. whenever        C. whatever         D. wherever



- These apples look very beautiful.

- They ________. See the price $ 3.99 a pound. Very expensive, aren’t they?

A. should         B. would           C. could            D. might



- Have you known each other for long?

- Not really. ________ we started to work in this school.

A. Just after       B. Just when        C. Ever since        D. Just before



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