满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not until he failed in the last examinat...

Not until he failed in the last examination _________ he should have spent more time on study.

A. did he realize   B. he realized        C. did he not realize  D. he didn’t realize


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查倒装句:句意:直到他在最后一次考试中失利,他才意识到他应该在学习上多花些时间。Not until引导时间状语从句置于句首,后面的主句用部分倒装,以前前面是not until,后面是肯定句,选A。 考点:考查倒装句

As a saying goes, the wise man knows he knows nothing, _________ the fool thinks he knows all.

A. when         B. while             C. as              D. though



We should show _________ concern for Mr. Smith, _________ eighty-year-old man near our home because now he has nobody to depend on.

A. /; a           B. the; a             C. /; an            D. the; an



Despite many worries before finishing the task, everything _________ well.

A. turned out      B. put out           C. gave out         D. broke out



According to the traffic rules, you _________ wear the safe belt while you are driving.

A. can           B. need             C. may             D. shall



 To smoke a cigarette after meals seems to him a habit _________.

A. to never break                     B. never to have broken

C. never to be breaking                D. never to be broken



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