满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_____ the majority of people you will m...

 _____ the majority of people you will meet when travelling are sure to be friendly, there are dangers-theft being the most common.

A. Since           B. Unless       C. While        D. Once


C 【解析】 试题分析:考察连词辨析。A自从,既然;B除非,如果…不;C尽管,当…时;D一旦;句意:尽管在你旅行的时候所遇见的人当,大部分都是友好的,但是也有一些危险。故C正确。 考点:考察连词辨析

Water is the most widely used resource in ______ industry, and plays ______ major role in energy production.

A. 不填; a         B. the; a        C. an; 不填      D. an; the




When I worked in a large city, passing by someone experiencing homelessness wasn’t an uncommon sight. The difficult situation of those I saw touched me       , and I often felt, “I would be one of them        the kindness of God.”

I felt forced to do something, and as a single mom and newcomer to my field, I decided to  __     a plan that fit my limited budget. I began by        five to ten dollar bills each payday, and during the week, passing        out to those I met on the street.

Though a dollar felt like a small       , I realized how      _ it was to give the gift of being seen: for me to recognize that those I passed by were people just like me.        we would joke a bit and smile together. On some occasions, I was able to        more. I’ll never know how and if the dollars       , but I know that the connections we made did.

One day after I had started this weekly practice, I had        enough to buy myself a new winter coat. With my recent purchase wrapped around my shoulders, I        that my old coat could still be put to use by someone who had little or nothing to        them from the cold. However, at that moment, I felt inspired to pass on this opportunity for       . I turned to the salesman who had helped me, and asked if he would feel        taking my old coat, walking to the corner, and offering it to someone       . Slightly taken aback, he smiled. “I will as soon as I get a break,” he said. “Thanks for your       .”

I can’t help but feel that my        with kindness have moved me to pass it on, and in this way, I feel I’ve helped more than just those I        by on the street. Kindness touches many hearts, and I am grateful for the way it has        mine.

1.A. surprisingly         B. happily C. seriously        D. deeply

2.A. but for        B. together with       C. apart from         D. because of

3.A. put up with     B. keep up with       C. come up with       D. link up with

4.A. setting off      B. setting aside        C. setting out        D. setting about

5.A. it        B. him        C. them     D. that

6.A. amount      B. tip                   C. quality   D. guard

7.A. careful       B. successful         C. thankful      D. powerful

8.A. Sometimes     B. Never   C. Hardly   D. Seldom

9.A. accept        B. receive C. refuse   D. give

10.A. attended       B. helped        C. made    D. afforded

11.A. put up      B. saved up        C. picked up      D. held up                            

12.A. realized        B. explained          C. admitted         D. agreed

13.A. prevent   B. stop       C. pull        D. protect

14.A. connection     B. communication      C. kindness       D. relationship

15.A. disappointed    B. comfortable        C. depressed     D. wise

16.A. in need    B. in doubt         C. in detail         D. in anger                          

17.A. compromise    B. comprehension      C. consideration       D. ambition

18.A. hobbies        B. experiences        C. habits    D. favorites

19.A. judge        B. go C. stand     D. pass

20.A. interested      B. excited       C. touched         D. entertained



 It’s said that the heaviest man in this city, _________ 1,345 pounds, has been sent to hospital to receive medical treatment.

A. weighing      B. to weigh          C. weighed         D. weigh



 Tom’s teacher and classmates all knew Tom would not do well, but he succeeded _________ their expectations.

A. below         B. by               C. in              D. beyond



Not until he failed in the last examination _________ he should have spent more time on study.

A. did he realize   B. he realized        C. did he not realize  D. he didn’t realize



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