满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Are supermarkets designed to persuade us...

Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more? When you enter a supermarket, the manager knows         than you do how you will behave — which        you will walk, where you will         , what will make you       one product rather than another. When customers go into a shop, they        look to their left         move  towards the right. So supermarket entrances are usually on the left of the building, and the arrangement is to take shoppers        the store ,aisle after aisle, from left to right. Then shoppers will pay attention to all the        .

     Fresh fruit and         are displayed near supermarket entrances. This gives the        that only healthy food is sold in the shop.        foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea are put near each other. They are kept in different aisles so customers are taken past other attractive foods        they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are        to buy products that they do not really        .

     People walk quickly through        aisles, but they move more slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the products. One best-selling        for products is at the end of aisles, because shoppers        to turn into the next aisles.

     Sweets are often placed at children’s         level at the checkout. While parents are waiting to pay, children        the sweets and put them in the trolley.

Customers buy more when shelves are      than when they are half empty because they feel there is something wrong with those products that are there.

1.A. sooner       B. better C. more     D. less

2.A. side B. approach       C. place     D. way

3.A. go    B. look              C. stop                      D. stand

4.A. buy    B. enjoy                C. see            D. prefer

5.A. naturally           B. simply         C. easily    D. hurriedly

6.A. or     B. then                C.  but           D. and

7.A. into        B. along                C. around                   D. through

8.A. prices           B. signs             C.  shelves      D. products

9.A. wines              B. vegetables           C. sweets            D. meat

10.A. impression      B. effect    C. thought             D. expression

11.A. Fresh     B. Important     C. Fast               D. Basic

12.A. when     B. unless          C. before  D. until

13.A. invited           B. encouraged         C. willing                D. ready

14.A. use     B.  know  C. need                 D. like

15.A. narrow              B. short                 C. high          D. long           

16.A. case                       B. point                 C. example            D. position

17.A. slow down        B. hurry up     C. walk down  D. come up

18.A. hand               B. eye        C. head         D. height

19.A. pay for         B. care for       C. look for       D. reach for

20.A. low                                    B. neat      C. full         D. high


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文详细介绍了超市的货物的位置摆放的原因,以及人们的一些购物习惯。告诉我们超市里的所有安排都是为了让顾客购买更多的东西,处于赚取利润的目的。 1.B 词义辨析。A更早B更好C更多D更少;本句中的better是well的比较级形式,指超市的经理比顾客对于顾客在超市里的行动了解得更好。 2.D 名词辨析。A边B方法C地方D方向,方法;本句是指超市经理了解你会走向哪个方向。 3.B 动词辨析。A走B看C停止D站立;前一句指经理指代你会走向什么方法,本句指他知道你会看那里。 4.A 上下文串联。顾客来到超市,当然是要购买东西,故A正确。BCD三项不符合逻辑关系。 5.A 副词辨析。A自然地B仅仅C容易D匆忙地;当顾客走进一家商店,他们很自然地朝左边看,但是却走向右边。这就是为什么很多超市的入口处都在左边而不是右边的原因。 6.C 上下文串联。前半句说他们进入商店朝左边看,下句说他们却走向右边。上下文之间存在着转折关系。 7.C 介词辨析。A进入B沿着C环绕D通过;Take sb around….带着某人四处参观….;超市的安排就是让顾客们四处参观,购买物品。 8.D 名词辨析。A价格B标志C货架D产品;顾客们在超市里当然是注意到超市里的所有的商品,D项正确。这也正是超市里这样安排的目的。 9.B 上下文串联。前面的Fresh fruit说明本空要填的名词与之是一类的,故B项符合上下文。指新鲜的蔬菜水果被摆放在一起。 10.A 名词辨析。A印象B影响C想法D表情;超市把新鲜的蔬菜水果放在入口处的附近,就是想给顾客留下一个这家超市出售的产品都是新鲜的印象。 11.D 形容词辨析。A新鲜的B重要的C迅速的D基本的;通过下文的like sugar and tea可知糖和茶之类的产品都是人们生活必需的基本日用品。故D正确。 12.C 连词辨析。A当…时;B除非,如果…不…;C在…前;D直到…才;在他们买到自己想要的东西之前超市里的这些安排都在暗暗地带领着顾客逛着超市。故C正确。 13.B 短语辨析。Be encouraged to do sth被鼓励做某事;在商店里,顾客都是被鼓励着购买自己实际上并不需要的东西。其余三项语义不搭配。 14.C 上下文串联。根据上文描述可知超市里很多安排的目的就是让顾客购买很多他们并不需要的东西。 15.A 上下文串联。根据they move more slowly in wide aisles可知上下文之间存在着对比关系,这里使用narrow与wide相对应。 16.D 名词辨析。A案件B点C例子D位置;货物卖得最好的位置就是在通道的尽头,因为顾客都会在那里慢下来转向另外一个通道。故D项正确。 17.A 短语辨析。A变慢B快点C步行D出现;货物卖得最好的位置就是在通道的尽头,因为顾客都会在那里慢下来转向另外一个通道。这里的slow down符合上下文。 18.B 上下文串联。在收银的地方摆放着很多的糖果,这些糖果的位置通常都是和孩子的眼睛一样的高度。目的在于吸引孩子购买这些糖果。 19.D 短语辨析。A付钱B关心C寻找D伸手去拿;本句是指糖果的位置和孩子的眼睛差不多高,便于孩子伸手去拿这些糖果。 20.C 上下文串联。根据下句中的half empty可知这里是指货架是满的,与货架是半空着的对比。 考点:考察说明文

Without the earth’s atmosphere to protect them, astronauts can be exposed to intense radiation from the sun, ____ them at risk of cancer.

A. to leave         B. leaving       C. having left    D. left



 If there were no automatic washing machines, people would have to wash their clothes ______ hand or ______ hand-operated machines.

A. by; by          B. with; with     C. on; with      D. by; with



 “No bread eaten by man is so sweet as______ earned by his own labour. ”

A. one            B. that          C. it            D. those



 _____ the majority of people you will meet when travelling are sure to be friendly, there are dangers-theft being the most common.

A. Since           B. Unless       C. While        D. Once



Water is the most widely used resource in ______ industry, and plays ______ major role in energy production.

A. 不填; a         B. the; a        C. an; 不填      D. an; the



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