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Girls used to take fewer advanced math c...

Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just _______.

A. as much       B. so much          C. as many      D. so many


C 【解析】 试题分析: 考察省略句。句义:过去的女学生很少像男生那样参加高度书序的考试,但是现在他们参加的高等数学的考试和男生一样多。本句实际上是as many advanced math courses as boys。承前省略了advanced math courses as boys。因为course是一个可数名词,所以使用many修饰。故C正确。 考点:考察省略句

 The latest major disaster that occurred in Zhejiang paralyzed traffic, caused blackouts and ______ water supplies for days.

A. cut down        B. cut off       C. cut up        D. cut out



 Children of divorced parents ______ have difficulty in forming stable relationships themselves.

A. will            B. should       C. may          D. could



—I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broken.

   —Oh! I ______ .

A. don’t hope so   B. hope not      C. hope not so     D. don’t hope



 Jim ______ Jenny every night for the last month since he first met her in London, and they seem to be getting along very well.

A. dated          B. had dated     C. was dating      D. has been dating



A serious illness, ______ its nature, is almost always painful.

A. whatever            B. wherever          C. whenever           D. however



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