满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— We need a room for tonight, and I’d li...

— We need a room for tonight, and I’d like to take a chance to check in without reservation.

   — Don’t you know about the jammed hotels in this season? ______.   

A. Better play it safe                                           B. Do as you please   

C. No problem                                                                            D. Think nothing of it 


A 【解析】 试题分析:A最好稳重行事;B随你便;C没问题;D别放在心上;句义:—今天晚上我们需要一个房间。我想碰运气不预定就去登记入住。—难道你不知道在这个季节宾馆很拥挤吗?最好谨慎一点好。根据句义说明后者提醒前者要谨慎行事,不要冒险。故A正确。 考点:考察交际用语

 — Do you have any problems when you _____ this job?

— Well, I’m considering the salary and working conditions.

A. offered         B. will be offered   C. are offered              D. offer



— How is everything going on with you in the UK?

   — Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, _____.

A. instead                        B. though               C. either                          D. too



Hard work and lack of sleep have _____ her beauty and youth in recent years.

A. worn out                     B. tried out                     C. made out                    D. sent out



The official website of Beijing Municipal Education Commission has recently published a             reform plan to reduce the scores for English to 100 points from the current 150 points, _____ that is bound to cause an overwhelming stir across the country.

A. one                          B. which                              C. this                              D. it



The viewers will have _____ second chance to watch Voice of China on _____ Channel 4 tonight.

A. a; the                           B. the; the                       C. the; /                           D. a; /



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