满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The students took the trouble _____ all ...

The students took the trouble _____ all the ______ leaves away.

    A. to clean, fallen   B. to clean, falling   C. cleaning, falling   D. cleaning, fallen


A. 【解析】   试题分析:学生们不怕困难尽力扫除落叶。take the trouble to do sth. 不怕麻烦或困难尽力做某事。falling leaves: 正在飘落的叶子。现在分词表示正在进行的动作。fallen leaves: 落在地上的叶子。过去分词表示已经完成的动作。故答案为A.   考点:固定搭配;分词作定语。

--- Two tickets for Sunday.

   --- Sorry, we’ve got _____ left.

    A. nothing        B. anything       C. no one        D. none



 Armed with rich knowledge you have learnt, you can _____ to have an interview for the manager’s job.

    A. set aside        B. set out       C. set about      D. set off



______ himself with too much homework, he had no time to participate in outdoor activities.

A. Being occupied              B. Occupied               C. Occupying                       D. To be occupied



It is extremely hot this summer.  __________, many people say it has been the hottest in the past 30 years.

A. Frequently     B. Actually      C. Fluently     D. Gradually



 It was the truth that the black reached a stage_______ they had almost no rights at all in the past.   

A. when               B. where          C. which           D. that



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