满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______ is no possibility________ the en...

_______ is no possibility________ the engineer can complete the project within two weeks.

A. There; that       B. It; that      C. There; what      D. It; whether


A. 【解析】 试题分析:工程师不可能在两周内完成项目。表示可能性的句式有:There is a possibility that…; It is likely that…; It is possible that…; Chances are that… 故A项正确。 考点:固定搭配。

______ the crown of the second season of The Voice of China, Liqi devoted himself to practicing singing. 

A. Winning              B. Won         C. To win                   D. Having won



The students took the trouble _____ all the ______ leaves away.

    A. to clean, fallen   B. to clean, falling   C. cleaning, falling   D. cleaning, fallen



--- Two tickets for Sunday.

   --- Sorry, we’ve got _____ left.

    A. nothing        B. anything       C. no one        D. none



 Armed with rich knowledge you have learnt, you can _____ to have an interview for the manager’s job.

    A. set aside        B. set out       C. set about      D. set off



______ himself with too much homework, he had no time to participate in outdoor activities.

A. Being occupied              B. Occupied               C. Occupying                       D. To be occupied



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