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When it comes to “empty-nest syndrome(综合...

When it comes to “empty-nest syndrome(综合症)”, parents are advised to _______regular contact with children through phone calls, emails, texts or video chats.

A. substitute                      B. sacrifice                         C. associate                        D. maintain


D 【解析】 试题分析:说到“空巢综合症”,建议老人与子女“保持”经常的联系。substitute: 替代;sacrifice: 牺牲;associate: 联系。maintain contact with sb. 与……保持联系。故D项正确。 考点:动词词义辨识。

Sometimes the ______ between the reality and the dream is so great that it produces disappointment.

A. combination                  B. application                     C. contrast                          D. disapproval



The CCTV show Chinese Characters Dictation Competition has taken the country by storm, which is partly designed to arouse people’s ________ in Chinese.

A. response                   B. enthusiasm      C. significance               D. consequence




注意:⒈ 词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;  

2. 可以适当增加细节,以便行文连贯;

⒊ 答案必须写在答题卡相应的位置上。

Dear Jack,

How have you been recently?______________________________________________________           __  






                                                                      Sincerely Yours,










Dear Joe,

Thanks for you mail. I’m glad to know you are interested in the 2014 Florida Winter Camp. It will be held from January 27 to February 13, during that time you will get wonderful experience. You will have chances to improve your speaking English in the courses providing. Also, activities arranged for you to spend weekends together with your host family, so you can learn American English in authentic situations. However, a trip to the local Disneyland will certainly add up the fun of the camp.

Join in the camp and you will have the better knowledge of American culture and life. You are sure to benefit from it.

                                                          Yours truly

                                                               Li Hua




A hobby is an investment of time. It also can be an investment of money and commitment. Many people choose to develop more than one type of hobby.   1.   When it comes to choosing the hobby, consider the following factors.

Hobbies are usually an activity of some sort that brings out a certain skill that you have. When you have a talent like painting or woodworking, it can be easy to determine which hobby suits your skill.   2.   Skill can be developed and challenged as you go along. It is not a necessary requirement. A hobby is fitting because you love it, not because you’re a professional at it.

Some people particularly enjoy taking part in hobbies that they can do in a group with others. It can be a lot more fun to become a member of a hobby group than to sit alone in your basement.    3.   It’s important to share interests and network with other hobby enthusiasts that do what you do.

Hobbies are generally an activity that you undertake because of the joy it brings you. Of course many people have discovered the joy that also comes with a hobby that earns you a living.   __4.  Just make sure you make the choice that fits your lifestyle and personal preference.

  5.   But most of the skilled hobbies like art, building or writing have a series of lessons or tutorials that you can take to further your skills. In some cases it’s a really good idea to take lessons, especially if you are clueless as to where or how to begin. Step by step books for most hobbies can often be found in bookstores as well.

A. However, hobbies don’t have to be skill related.

B. Most hobbies can easily be done within your own home, at your leisure.

C. Look one up or start your own.

D. Read hobby books to learn more about your chosen hobby!

E. Make a list of things that you enjoy or don’t know about.

F. It can be a necessary part of selecting the hobby that is right for you.

G. Whether it’s full time, part time or not at all, you must decide whether your hobby applies to you.



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