满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-- What did he say ________ his stupid ...

 -- What did he say ________ his stupid behavior?

-- He admitted having made a serious mistake.

A. in front of                B. in explanation of          C. in case of                D. in fear of


B 【解析】 试题分析:A. in front of:在……前面; B. in explanation of :对……作出解释;C. in case of:遇到……的时候;D. in fear of:担心……、害怕……。题意:他对自己的行为作何解释?故B项正确。  考点:短语介词。

People attracted onto Facebook with the promise of fun, free service don’t realize they’re paying for it by________ their personal information.

A. giving in                         B. giving off               C. giving up                        D. giving away



Many times, the weather forecast has been incorrect and we have missed out what has ________ to be a fine day for outdoor activities.

A. left out                      B. broke out                 C. set out          D. turned out



In face of trouble, although I feel disappointed about where I am, I still think _______ about where I am going.

A. optimistically              B. controversially      C. conventionally      D. alternatively



Interest is as______ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.

A. typical                            B. specific                           C. vital                                 D. available



When he is faced with a dilemma sometimes, he usually makes a/an ________ decision by throwing a coin.

A. arbitrary                   B. conservative             C. accurate                    D. cautious



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