满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: Complete the following passa...

Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context.

Dear boys and girls,

         It’s a great honor to speak here .I’m really sorry that it will be only ten days 1.       you graduate from our school .I have always been feeling honored to have been your English teacher in the2.          three years, during 3. I have been greatly impressed by your 4.   qualities such as honesty ,diligence, cleverness, unselfishness ,co-operation and so on.  5.    in my teaching career have I met such wonderful students as you .

         The possibility of enhancing one’s knowledge is limitless .Graduation6.    marks a stage of one’s education .Unceasing asking 7.  knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.

         I do believe that your efforts will eventually pay off . I, as well as your other teachers ,am praying that every one of you will be admitted to 8.       ideal college.

Love from

Your English teacher


1.before 2.past/last 3.which 4.good/wonderful/excellent 5.Never 6.only 7.for 8.an/your 【解析】 试题分析:本文是教师在学生毕业之前给学生做的一个演讲。在演讲中教师表扬了学生的优秀品质。并告诉学生应继续学习。不停地要求学习知识将使自己获得越来越高的学识。并祝愿学生能够考上理想的大学。 1.根据 it will be+时间短+before+一般现在时的从句,“过多久,才.......”,因此此处用连词before。 2.根据 have always been feeling honored to 可知这是现在完成进行时,in the past/last+时间短 与完成时连用。因此处用形容词past/last。 3.位于先行词three years,后的是一个非限制性定语从句,又因位于介词 during后,故用冠词代词 which。 4.根据such as honesty(诚实) ,diligence(勤奋), cleverness(聪明), unselfishness (无私),co-operation (合作)这些描述学生的词都是褒义词,是表扬学生的,因此此处应用形容词good/wonderful/excellent。 5.根据 have I met用的部分倒装结构,因此句首用否定副词,又是现在完成时 ,因此此处用副词Never。 6.根据The possibility of enhancing one’s knowledge is limitless可知学无止境,因此高中毕业仅仅是学习的一个阶段,因此用副词 only。 7.短语ask for “要求”,根据句意不停地要求学习知识将使自己获得越来越高的学识。故此处用介词for。 8.修饰 ideal college 名词的单数形式,又ideal是原因因素开头的形容词,因此可用an/your。 考点:阅读填空。

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

One evening after dinner, Mr. And Mrs.Bond called a family meeting. " We've had to make a _______decison," Mr. Bond announced. " You see, your mother has been offered a post as co-director of a TV station in Chicago. However, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, we've ________ that the right decision is to move to Chicago."

    Marc looked ________, while his sister Rachel breathlessly started asking when they'd be moving. " It's surprising but exciting!" she said. Marc simply said, " I can't leave my _______. I'd rather stay here and live with Tommy Lyons!"

   The Bonds hoped that by the time they moved to Chicago in August, Marc would grow more ________ the idea of leaving. However, he showed no signs of accepting the decision, refusing to __________ his belongings.

    _______ the morning of their move, Marc was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tommy Lyons' house, but Mrs. Lyons said she hadn't seen Marc. Mrs. Bond became increasingly anxious while her husband felt angry with their son for behaving so ________.

   What they didn't know was that Marc had started to walk over to Tommy's house with a faint idea of hiding in Lyons' attic(阁楼) for a few days. But as he walked along, all the _______ landscape of his neighbourhood _________ him of the things he and his family had done together: the green fence he and his mother had painted; the trees he and his sister used to climb while playing hide- and- seek; the park where he and his father often took walks together. How much would these mean without his family, who made them special in the first place? Marc didn't take the _____ to answer that question but instead, he hurried back to his house, ______ if there were any boxes the right size to hold his record collection.

1.A. different         B. quick           C. wise              D. final

2.A. known          B. recognized       C. concluded          D. insisted

3.A. shocked           B. puzzled         C. disappointed        D. excited

4.A. classmates       B. friends          C. neighbours         D. parents

5.A. delighted at      B. pleased with      C. accustomed to      D. worried about

6.A. pack            B. abandon         C. tie               D. pile

7.A. Before          B. In              C. On               D. During 

8.A. rudely          B. irregularly        C. irresponsibly       D. naughtily

9.A. beautiful        B. familiar          C. splendid           D. modern

10.A. recalled         B. convinced        C. warned            D. reminded

11.A. time            B. courage          C. strength          D. patience

12.A. looking         B. wondering        C. asking            D. expecting



The next thing he saw was smoke           from behind the house.

A.rose   B. rising           C. to rise            D. risen



We have been told that under no circumstances ___ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A. may we use     B. we may use      C. we could use     D. did we answer



You’ll start having positive results            you replace negative thoughts with positive ones .

A.since  B.unless C.until                      D.once



You’d better not phone me tomorrow evening; I ____ an important meeting then.

A. will have                 B. would have            C. will be having                  D. will have had



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