满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---I heard that Bill was scolded by the ...

---I heard that Bill was scolded by the teacher last week.

   ---Ah, yes. The teacher wanted to check his exercises, but ___ was finished at all.

A. nothing       B. either        C. neither       D. none


D 【解析】 试题分析: 考查代词区别,A没有一件东西B或者C再者的没有一个D什么也没有 题意 我听说上星期比尔被老师责备了。是的,老师要检查他的练习,但是他什么也没有做。nothing:=not anything,没有任何东西,什么也没有 none:1.pron.没有人,谁也不 例:there is none。没有人  2.a.没有的(=no,not any)例:you have money and I have none你有钱,我没有钱  3.adv.一点也不,例:He did it none too well他做得并不太好,故选 D项。 考点 考查代词区别。

 ____ can be seen in the chart right here, the air pollution level in the city has been increasing over the last months.

A. What         B. It            C. that          D. As



He states that good qualities such as honesty and self-discipline make ____he is today.

A. whom        B. how          C. what         D. which



It’s true that whoever ____positive for H7N9 will receive free medical treatment from our government without delay.

A. is tested      B. is being tested   C. has tested     D. tests



______ his solid evidence, the judge declared him innocent in court and set him free immediately afterwards.

A. Believing     B. Have believed    C. Believed      D. To believe



Excuse me, I want to borrow a book that gives a detailed______ of Alice Munro, who won this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature.

A. account         B. imagination   C. reference     D. impression



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