满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Do you have ________ Smith here? I’d lik...

Do you have ________ Smith here? I’d like to have ________word with him.

A. a; the                               B. the; a                                C. the; the                            D. a; a


D 【解析】 试题分析:have a word with sb.“跟某人有话要说”;“a Smith”意为“一个名叫史密斯的人”。 句意:你们这儿有个叫史密斯的人吗?我有话要跟他说。 考点:冠词的辨析

 --- Why so many people at the street corner? ______

   --- Oh, a traffic accident has just happened.

A. What’s going on?                              B. So what?

C. How is it going?                                           D. What’s wrong with them?



On the top of the mountain ______, dating from the 14th century.

A. does an old temple stand                        B. stand an old temple

C. an old temple is standing                          D. stands an old temple



He didn’t succeed overnight. On the contrary, it was many years ______ his career took off.

A. since                       B. that                          C. before                     D. after



 I’m really tired of Tom because he ______ keep asking silly questions.

A. can                          B. will                           C. must                        D. would



What you learn today ______ of practical use when you hunt for a job.

A. is proved                B. proves                     C. will be proved       D. will prove



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