满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In the darkness, she felt ________, but ...

In the darkness, she felt ________, but when she turned around, nobody was there.

A. to follow                                    B. following                          C. to be followed                D. being followed


D 【解析】 试题分析:“feel感觉到”后面要跟v-ing形式。有人跟着她,即她被人跟着。故要用动名词的被动式。句意:黑暗中,她感到身后有人跟着,但是等她转过头来看时,却没有人。 考点:非谓语动词

We are now in the age of great changes. Everything sometimes ________ before it is felt.

A. change                             B. had changed          C. has changed           D. changed



Do you have ________ Smith here? I’d like to have ________word with him.

A. a; the                               B. the; a                                C. the; the                            D. a; a



 --- Why so many people at the street corner? ______

   --- Oh, a traffic accident has just happened.

A. What’s going on?                              B. So what?

C. How is it going?                                           D. What’s wrong with them?



On the top of the mountain ______, dating from the 14th century.

A. does an old temple stand                        B. stand an old temple

C. an old temple is standing                          D. stands an old temple



He didn’t succeed overnight. On the contrary, it was many years ______ his career took off.

A. since                       B. that                          C. before                     D. after



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