满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The sides of the Iran nuclear negotiatio...

The sides of the Iran nuclear negotiation reached a key point, the result of ________ would have a great influence on the world peace.

A. that                                            B. which                                C. whom                               D. them


B 【解析】 试题分析:先行词为“negotiation”,所填的词又要作介词“of”的宾语,故只能用关系代词“which”。 The result of which=of which the result=whose result。句意:伊朗核武器多边谈判已经到了一个关键点上,谈判的结果将会对世界和平产生巨大的影响。 考点:定语从句

The astronauts have to lie ________ the floor of the spaceship to fight against the great pressure during the flight.

A. in                                       B. beyond                   C. against                     D. at



—________ your new desk-mate?

  —Well, she is nice except that she talks a little too much.

A. How do you find                                                  B. Who do you think is

C. What do you like                                                 D. Whom do you want to be



—I can hardly make myself understood in Chinese. Would you please give me some help?

   —________. We are trying to help you.

A. Take your time                B. Take it away          C. Take it easy             D. Take it over



________ fails to realize the importance of improving the learning strategies will have great difficulty in learning.

A. Who                                 B. Whoever                         C. What                                 D. Whatever



I am doing a job ________ I have to do the same thing day after day. Oh, it’s just terrible.

A. where                              B. which                                C. what                                  D. as



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