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Maybe you know the saying, “When you poi...

Maybe you know the saying, “When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you.” One wise man had a version of this       when he said, “Don't focus on the dust in your brother's eye while       the dirt in your own eye.” Why do we do this? Because criticisms are always        ourselves. When we criticize others, we do not expose them, but expose ourselves. We       our own weakness and smallness.

A story in the old tales       the difference in wisdom between the good and the bad. Once a king        both Nelson and Dick. The king asks Nelson to go out into the kingdom and       after finding someone less qualified than himself. Then he asks Dick to go out into the kingdom and return after finding someone       than himself.

When Fool Dick returns, he tells the king that he couldn't find anyone better than himself.       Wise Nelson says that he was       to find anyone less qualified than himself on his return.

Moral of the story is something about human      . Good people always look at their own       and faults and consider themselves less qualified than others. Whereas bad people always look at the shortcomings and faults of others and       themselves more qualified than others.

1.A. problem                       B. wisdom                   C. idea                                   D. action

2.A. dropping                      B. holding                    C. ignoring                            D. neglecting

3.A. centered on                B. put up with             C. dealt with                         D. moved out

4.A. forget                            B. kill                                     C. broadcast                         D. express

5.A. cancels                         B. explains                            C. doubts                     D. illustrates

6.A. meets with                   B. questions about    C. worries about                 D. looks after

7.A. leave                    B. return                     C. wait                                   D. stay

8.A. better                           B. faster                                C. higher                     D. shorter

9.A. But                                 B. Although                          C. Moreover                        D. Therefore

10.A. happy                         B. quick                                 C. disabled                           D. unable

11.A. side                    B. life                                     C. thought                            D. psychology

12.A. shortcomings   B. excuses                            C. worries                   D. advantages

13.A. consider           B. take                                   C. have                                  D. keep


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.A 【解析】 试题分析:“When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you.”是一句谚语,直译意思为“当你用一根手指指着别人的时候,还有三根手指指着自己。”我们可以意译为“指责别人的时候,更得找找自己的不是。”本篇文章就是对这句英语用事例进行了诠释。有则小故事有助于你更好地理【解析】 有个研究生有一次在工作上遭受重大挫折,分别向两位导师诉苦。他解释并抱怨说并非自己不努力,也不是遇到了神一般的强大对手,而是被猪一般的队友搞砸了,连累了他。他那说英文的导师用他一贯的睿智和委婉回复道:“Always remember when you point one finger,there are three fingers pointing back to you.”。而说中文的导师则更加直接一些,说:“小子,你是解释系主任还是借口院院长?怎么净想着找别人的岔,把自己摘干净?为什么不反思自己哪里做得不够好呢?!”。 1.B problem问题;wisdom智慧,古训;idea主意;action行动,行为。本句话的意思讲的是对上述所提的谚语的另一种版本。这儿“wisdom”就是“saying”的同义词。 2.C dropping丢下,落下;holding举,抓住;ignoring忽视,忽略,视而不见;neglecting 漏做,疏忽,忽略。跟上文“focus on”相对应的有两个词“ignoring”和“neglecting”,但是这两 个词有质的区别。前者表示:故意不理睬,故意忽视,而后者则为:漏做,疏忽,忽略,不含“故 意”的意思。根据语境应该选C项为最佳。句意:不要老是盯着兄弟眼中的灰尘不放而忽视你自己 眼中的污垢。 3.A  (be) centered on集中注意力于,聚焦于;put up with忍受,容忍,容受,忍得住,将 就;deal with处理,处置;move out迁出,搬出,出发。此句意思是说:我们为什么要这么做(不要老是盯着兄弟眼中的灰尘不放而忽视你自己眼中的污垢)?因为别人的评论/批评老是盯着咱们那。揭露他人的同时,也暴露了我们自己。 4.C forget忘记;kill抹杀,消磨(时间);broadcast广播,播放,使广为人知;express表达。本句是对上文“expose ourselves”的进一步解释,所以这儿要用“broadcast”与“expose”属于同一范畴意义的词。句意:我们使我们自己的弱点和渺小暴露无疑(即让我们自己的弱点和渺小广为人知)。 5.D cancel取消,注销,抵消;explain解释;doubt怀疑;illustrate说明,表明,给……加插图;(用示例、图画等)说明。一则古老传说中的故事说明了在评判“好”于“坏”上的差异。下文正是用示例来加以说明的,故用“illustrates”,而不用“explains(解释)”。 6.A meet with偶然遇到,碰到,遭受,和……会面 ;question about询问,盘问;worry about          为……而担忧/担心;looks after照看,照顾。从下文看本句是指:皇帝召见尼尔森和迪克(即与他们会面)。 7.B leave离开;return返回;wait等待;stay待在,呆在。原词重现。下文“Then he asks Dick to go out into the kingdom and return after finding someone       than himself.”已经给出了答案。 8.A better更好;faster更快;higher更高;shorter更矮,更短。同义词复现。这儿的“better”与上文中的“qualified”为同义词。下文“When Fool Dick returns, he tells the king that he couldn't find anyone better than himself.”也证实这个答案。 9.A But但是,表示转折关系;Although虽然,尽管,表示让步关系;Moreover再者,此外,而且,表示递进关系;Therefore所以,表示因果关系。这儿上文“Dick”说的话正好与“Nelson”所说的话相反,故上下文为转折关系。 10.D happy快乐;quick快捷;disabled残废,残疾;unable不能。因为他们所说的正好相反,故用“unable”。本段的意思是:愚蠢的迪克返回来告诉皇上他没有发现比他更优秀的人。但是聪明的尼尔森返回来却说他没能发现比他更差的人。 11.D side一边,一方;life生命,生活;thought思想;psychology心理学,心理特点,心理状态,心理影响。从上文的故事中我们可以看出为什么“迪克”和“尼尔森”的发现不同,其实就是人的“心理作用驱使”而已。 12.A shortcomings缺点;excuses  原谅,借口;worries担忧,担心;advantages优点。跟下文“faults”形成并列意义的就是“shortcomings”。优秀的人总是看到自己的缺点和错误,认为他们不比别人优秀到哪里去。 13.A consider认为;take(...as)把……当作;have(...as)把……当作;keep保持。然而差劲的人总是看到别人的缺点和错误,认为他们比别人优秀。  考点:议论文类完形填空

Some so-called climate travelers _______ in one place for a few months and then move on to some other places as the weather changes.

A. have stayed                     B. are staying                       C. stay                                   D. stayed



The game was so exciting to play that the boy kept his eyes and attention ________ on it, ruining both a lot.

A. fixing                                B. fixed                                 C. to fix                                 D. fix



The sides of the Iran nuclear negotiation reached a key point, the result of ________ would have a great influence on the world peace.

A. that                                            B. which                                C. whom                               D. them



The astronauts have to lie ________ the floor of the spaceship to fight against the great pressure during the flight.

A. in                                       B. beyond                   C. against                     D. at



—________ your new desk-mate?

  —Well, she is nice except that she talks a little too much.

A. How do you find                                                  B. Who do you think is

C. What do you like                                                 D. Whom do you want to be



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