满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“How did Norman know, Sister Emma?” “He ...

“How did Norman know, Sister Emma?”

“He overheard you and Aryan arguing. I suspect that he purposely overheard on you. Norman knew or concluded what profession Aryan practiced. He might well have followed Aryan on his explorations. Whether he did or not is beside the point. When Aryan came back yesterday afternoon, Norman certainly decided that he had made some find, for Aryan told Norman that he would be leaving for the capital to meet the detective the next morning. He probably followed Aryan to your room and overheard what passed between you.

“Since you could not act against the law of man and God, he would serve a natural justice in his own way. He took the jar of poison hemlock from the chemistry shop and when Aryan asked for a drink, he supplied it. Norman did not know the precise quantity needed and so Aryan did not suffer the full effects until after the bell called the community into the dining hall for the evening meal.”

Abbess was following Sister Emma closely.

“And then?”

“Then I began my investigation, and then the detective arrived seeking Aryan for an explanation for his death.”

“But who killed Norman?”

“Norman knew that sooner or later he would be discovered. But more importantly in his guileless (坦率的) mind there was also the guilt of having taken a man’s life to be considered. Norman was a simple man. He decided that he should accept the punishment—the honor-price of a life. What greater honor-price for the life of Aryan could he offer than his own? He also took a draught of poison hemlock.”

There was a pause.

1.What may have happened to Aryan?

A. He was killed by poison.                                              B. He was found missing.

C. He was poisoned but saved.                                       D. He went away with what he had found.

2.What did Abbess do according to Sister Emma when Aryan came back?

A. She talked with Aryan about Norman’s strange actions. .

B. She secretly discussed with Aryan about something secret.

C. She followed the two men and found what they were doing.

D. She let Sister Emma help find out the two men’s secret.

3.What can we conclude from the above story?

A. Abbess served the detective.

B. Emma knows all the people mentioned.

C. Aryan was sent to kill Abbess but failed.

D. Norman seemed very devoted to Abbess.

4.Which of the following might be true according to the above passage?

A. Abbess hired Norman to fight against Aryan.

B. Norman told everything to Emma.

C. Aryan worked for the detective.

D. All the people came from the capital.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:Abbess遇上了麻烦,他的生活或生命受到了Aryan的威胁,作为他忠诚的家仆或类似关系的人Norman为主人排除威胁,下毒杀死了Aryan。Norman认为他剥夺了一个人的生命,这本身也是有罪的,因此他选择自己也服毒自尽来谢罪,以此成全主人。该文应该是一篇侦探小说的一个部分。该节选的部分是Emma在对Abbess分析案情。首先要理清人物关系:Emma侦探;Norman和Aryan两个死者,Abbess与两死者间有着某种关系。 1.A推理判断题。从文章第三段He took the jar of poison hemlock from the chemistry shop and when Aryan asked for a drink, he supplied it.可以知道,Norman从药店买回了毒药并且给Aryan下了毒,再从下文the detective arrived seeking Aryan for an explanation for his death.可以知道Aryan已经死了,侦探来查他的死因了。 2.B推理判断题。根据题中when Aryan came back到文中去找相关信息。第二段When Aryan came back yesterday afternoon, Norman certainly decided that he had made some find, for Aryan told Norman that he would be leaving for the capital to meet the detective the next morning. He probably followed Aryan to your room and overheard what passed between you.由此处可以知道,Aryan昨天下午 回来后告诉Norman,说他第二天要去省城见侦探,后来Aryan去了Abbess的房间,并且两人说了 一些什么事,而此时Norman在外偷听到了他们的谈话。再根据下面一段里Norman做出的反应: ①他认为Abbess不会做违法或违背上帝旨意的事。②他要以他的方式来充当一回正义使者。然后 他给Aryan投毒了。由此判断Aryan在房间对Abbess说的话是对Abbess不利的话。而同时也可以 推知Norman忠诚于Abbess,他才会去杀死对Abbess构成严重威胁的人。此题根据Abbess当时在 房间里就可直接排除C、D两个选项。再根据上面的推理,结合A、B两个选项的意思,可以知道 正确答案应该是B。 3.D推理判断题。根据上题的分析可知。根据第三段里Norman做出的反应:①他认为Abbess 不会做违法或违背上帝旨意的事。②他要以他的方式来充当一回正义使者。然后他给Aryan投毒了。 由此判断Aryan在房间对Abbess说的话是对Abbess不利的话。而同时也可以推知Norman忠诚于 Abbess,他才会去杀死对Abbess构成严重威胁的人。 4.C推理判断题。此题必须认真研读每一个选项,逐个筛选。A从文中Abbess在认真听Emma分析Norman和Aryan的死因可以知道,他没有雇佣Norman去斗Aryan。B从文中可知Aryan死后,Emma作为侦探才介入调查的。因此,B错。C从文中第二段Aryan told Norman that he would be leaving for the capital to meet the detective the next morning. 他第二天早上要去见省城的那个警察,可以判断他可能是为那个警察服务的。再根据D答案所讲的内容在文中根本找不到依据可以判断C就是正确答案。 考点:故事类阅读理解

The world has never faced so much trouble before. People are        within themselves about natural resources, territories and especially religions. In my opinion, laughter is a universal language, which has the ability to       humanity without religions. Laughter can build a common connection between various religions and create a new world      . The idea may sound over-ambitious, and maybe it is. But maybe it is not. It is our deep       that laughter and only the laughter can unite the world, holding up a       sense of brotherhood and friendship.

    Studies also show that laughter helps your body to do the following: lower blood pressure; lighten depression; reduce stress; work out the heart,       for those who are unable to perform       exercise. So in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire body—because it’s good for you.

1.A. in peace     B. in difficulty             C. at war                      D. among challenge

2.A. unite           B. unfold                     C. release                    D. handle

3.A. position      B. ruler                                 C. size                                    D. order

4.A. belief                   B. advice                     C. intention                          D. plan

5.A. safe             B. humorous                        C. common                           D. global

6.A. partly                   B. intensively              C. especially                         D. universally

7.A. mental                 B. heart                                 C. physical                            D. morning



Maybe you know the saying, “When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you.” One wise man had a version of this       when he said, “Don't focus on the dust in your brother's eye while       the dirt in your own eye.” Why do we do this? Because criticisms are always        ourselves. When we criticize others, we do not expose them, but expose ourselves. We       our own weakness and smallness.

A story in the old tales       the difference in wisdom between the good and the bad. Once a king        both Nelson and Dick. The king asks Nelson to go out into the kingdom and       after finding someone less qualified than himself. Then he asks Dick to go out into the kingdom and return after finding someone       than himself.

When Fool Dick returns, he tells the king that he couldn't find anyone better than himself.       Wise Nelson says that he was       to find anyone less qualified than himself on his return.

Moral of the story is something about human      . Good people always look at their own       and faults and consider themselves less qualified than others. Whereas bad people always look at the shortcomings and faults of others and       themselves more qualified than others.

1.A. problem                       B. wisdom                   C. idea                                   D. action

2.A. dropping                      B. holding                    C. ignoring                            D. neglecting

3.A. centered on                B. put up with             C. dealt with                         D. moved out

4.A. forget                            B. kill                                     C. broadcast                         D. express

5.A. cancels                         B. explains                            C. doubts                     D. illustrates

6.A. meets with                   B. questions about    C. worries about                 D. looks after

7.A. leave                    B. return                     C. wait                                   D. stay

8.A. better                           B. faster                                C. higher                     D. shorter

9.A. But                                 B. Although                          C. Moreover                        D. Therefore

10.A. happy                         B. quick                                 C. disabled                           D. unable

11.A. side                    B. life                                     C. thought                            D. psychology

12.A. shortcomings   B. excuses                            C. worries                   D. advantages

13.A. consider           B. take                                   C. have                                  D. keep



Some so-called climate travelers _______ in one place for a few months and then move on to some other places as the weather changes.

A. have stayed                     B. are staying                       C. stay                                   D. stayed



The game was so exciting to play that the boy kept his eyes and attention ________ on it, ruining both a lot.

A. fixing                                B. fixed                                 C. to fix                                 D. fix



The sides of the Iran nuclear negotiation reached a key point, the result of ________ would have a great influence on the world peace.

A. that                                            B. which                                C. whom                               D. them



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