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With the final exams coming, Mark, the ...

 With the final exams coming, Mark, the top student in our class, is not worried about Chinese, and _________ English.

A. still more         B. at least         C. least of all         D. better than


C 【解析】 试题分析: A更多的;B至少;C尤其不,最不;D比..好;句义:随着期末考试的临近,作为优秀生的Mark不担心语文,更不担心英语。根据句义说明C正确。 考点:考察固定搭配

 It puzzles the scientists _____ some mammals produce their young _____ others lay eggs.

A. that; while          B. what; while                   C. that; as           D. what; as



 Many Internet users make _____ most of the half-price promotion and it is _____ good opportunity for online shopkeepers to get their names known.

A. a; the                    B. /; the                            C. the; /                      D. the; a



 I barely have time to think, ________ relax with a cup of tea.

A. better than           B. rather than          C. much less           D. less than



According to the rules of Daddy, where are we going?, nobody _______ take along with them cash and cell phones.

A. must                 B. may                  C. will                       D. shall



To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines, but sometimes  _______ the lines. 

A. beyond               B. within                 C. among            D. beside



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