满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small ...

There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about the     of an act of kindness, which has motivated me to give.

On the day I went to that shop, I was      with a very high fever. I had been off work for days and I had        out of food. Because I had been working so hard since I had       to town, I also had no friends who could help.

So I went out to get some food.      , I would have gone to the supermarket, but on this      , I went into the Greek shop because it was closer. I       a few things, which revealed the     that I lived alone. Then I       them to the shopkeeper, who told me, “You are unwell.” I       rather shyly. She pointed at the things I was buying and      “I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself.”

So, she made the sandwich and asked me to       a moment. She went in the back room and reappeared with a container of hot soup.” It will       you up,” she said with a smile.

         What really warmed me up,       , was not the soup. It was her      that told me she cared. Her kindness made me feel cared for when I was particularly       .

And it       me. It made me want to be as       as the shopkeeper. I had been quite shy, but, from that day on, I did not let shyness prevent me from        random acts of kindness.

         I was determined to        the joy… and I haven’t felt lonely since!

1.A. power            B. method        C. lesson           D. cause

2.A. sick              B. angry          C. satisfied         D. nervous

3.A. made             B. sold           C. run             D. eaten

4.A. arrived           B. turned          C. moved          D. saved

5.A. Normally         B. Officially       C. Formally         D. Probably

6.A. chance           B. occasion        C. point            D. reason

7.A. picked up         B. took in         C. gave off          D. made out

8.A. news             B. fact           C. secret            D. idea

9.A. handed           B. lent           C. returned          D. threw

10.A. paid             B. listened                C. nodded           D. followed

11.A. promised        B. wondered     C. introduced        D. offered

12.A. leave           B. stop          C. wait               D. last

13.A. warm           B. take           C. put                D. catch

14.A. thus            B. even         C. still                D. though

15.A. permission       B. choice                 C. smile              D. view

16.A. bored           B. curious                C. guilty              D. lonely

17.A. surprised        B. inspired                C. developed                D. punished

18.A. patient          B. lovely         C. kind               D. pure

19.A. performing       B. judging       C. accepting        D. helping

20.A. hold            B. spread         C. enjoy              D. value


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:伦敦的街角有一个希腊人开的商店。店主让作者感受到了善意之举的力量,并激励作者去帮助他人。作者搬到城里以后忙于工作,没有认识的朋友,他感到很孤独。商店店主对他的关心鼓舞作者克服害羞,主动去帮助他人。作者从帮助他人中获得了快乐。 1.根据后文的“Her kindness made me feel cared for...”可知,店主让作者感受到了善意的力量,A力量;B方法;C教训,功课;D原因,事业。故选A。 2.I was    with a very high fever作者发高烧了,A生病的;B生气的;C满意的;D紧张的。故选A。 3.I had been off work for days and I had      out of food.作者好几天没上班了,食物也即将吃完,A制作,做;B售卖;C跑;D吃。run out of sth用完某物,故选C。 4.Because I had been working so hard since I had    to town因为作者搬家到城里以后就开始努力工作,A到达;B转向;C移动,搬家;D拯救。故选C。 5.   , I would have gone to the supermarket,通常情况下,会去超市买东西,A正常地;B官方地;C正式地;D可能地。故选A。 6.but on this    , I went into the Greek shop但是在生病的情况下,作者去了就近的商店,A机会,可能;B时候,场合,机会;C观点,意义,地方,分数;D原因。on this occasion在这种情况下,故选B。 7.I     a few things,作者挑选了一些东西,A拿起,捡起,车接,学会,好转;B吸收,领会,欺骗;C释放,发出;D辨认出,理解。故选A。 8.which revealed the   that I lived alone作者挑选的东西揭示了他一个人居住的事实,A新闻;B事实;C秘密;D想法。故选B。 9.Then I   them to the shopkeeper作者把选好的东西递给店主,A传递;B借出;C归还;D扔掉。故选A。 10.who told me, “You are unwell.” I     rather shyly.店主问作者是不是不舒服,作者含羞地点了点头,A支付;B听;C点头;D跟随。故选C。 11.She pointed at the things I was buying and    “I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself.”店主指着作者买的东西,主动提出帮作者做三明治,A承诺,答应;B怀疑,想知道;C介绍;D主动提出。故选D。 12.So, she made the sandwich and asked me to     a moment.她去做三明治,让作者等一会儿,A离开;B停止;C等待;D持续。故选C。 13.and reappeared with a container of hot soup.” It will     you up,” she said with a smile.店主端着一碗热汤给作者,让作者暖一下,A暖和;B带走;C放置;D捉住,赶上。warm sb up使某人暖和起来,根据下段的“What really warmed me up,”可知正确答案,故选A。 14.What really warmed me up,     , was not the soup.但是,真正让作者感到暖和的不是热汤,A因此;B甚至;C仍然;D但是。故选D。 15.It was her   that told me she cared.是店主的微笑告诉作者,她是在关心作者,A允许;B选择;C微笑;D观点。故选C。 16.根据第三段“which revealed the   that I lived alone”可知,作者很独孤,A厌烦的;B好奇的;C内疚的;D孤独的。故选D。 17.And it    me. It made me want to be as    as the shopkeeper.店主的善意鼓舞了作者,作者想向她学习,A惊讶;B鼓舞;C发展;D惩罚。故选B。 18.want to be as    as the shopkeeper.作者想变得和那个店主一样有爱心,A耐心的;B可爱的;C友善的;D纯净的。故选C。 19.I did not let shyness prevent me from     random acts of kindness作者决定不再让害羞阻止作者向他人展示自己的爱心,A实行,完成,执行,表演,;B判断;C接受;D帮助。故选A。 20.I was determined to     the joy作者下定决心把帮助他人而得到的欢乐传递出去,A握住,持有,认为;B传播;C喜欢,享受;D重视。故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读

You________ the work better, but you didn’t put more efforts to it.

A. must have done    B. can have done    C. should have   D. could have done



The professor you referred to in the letter______ us students three lectures by next Monday.

A. has given     B. will given    C. will have given    D. Gave



—What do you think has caused his heart attack?

   —It is ______.

A. because of his overweight        B. due to his being overweight

C. his being overweight            D. he is so overweight



—Do you have any idea why the engineer resigned?

—No. In fact, everyone is ____about it.

A. doubtful          B. curious          C. enthusiastic     D. annoyed



It’s required that the students______ mobile phones in their school, so seldom ______ them using one.

A. not use; will you see                B. should not use; you will see

C. don’t use; will you see              D. would not use; you will see



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