满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We had a big meal in a fine restaurant l...

We had a big meal in a fine restaurant last Monday and the total cost ____________ $500.

A. came through                  B. came in            

C. came out with                D. came to


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:A. came through到达,穿过,传来,(健康)恢复 B. came in   进来,C. came out with发表,公布,说出,展出,D. came to共计,句意:我们在一个很好的饭店里面吃了一顿大餐,总共是500元。选D。 考点:考查词组

You’ve failed to do what you ___________ to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame you.

A. will expect                   B. will be expected     

C. expected                     D. were expected



It may be 5 or 10 years __________ it is possible for people to find a space station on the moon.

A. since              B. before             C. after              D. when



Whether by accident or ___________, he arrived too late to help us.

A. purpose            B. aim              C. design             D. chance



 I was going to do some shopping in Golden Eagle, but __________ watching TV at home because of tiredness.

A. ended up                     B. took up           

C. got down                    D. settled down



Don’t touch ______ live wire, or you will get  ______ shock.

A. the; the               B. the; a            C. / ; a                   D. / ; /



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