满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

With several rounds of talks, the union ...

With several rounds of talks, the union leaders successfully          an agreement for a shorter working week.

A. deserved                       B. negotiated                     C. persuaded                     D. demanded


B 【解析】 试题分析: A. deserved值得,B. negotiated谈判达成,成功越过,议价出售,C. persuaded说服,D. demanded要求,句意:经过几轮的谈话,工会的领导人成功的对减少一周的工作时间达成协议。根据句意选B。 考点:考查动词词义辨析

---Could you help me take care of my pet dog on the 19th?

--- I’m afraid I’m not          that day.

A. vacant            B. sufficient      C. available              D. convenient



 ---My Dad began to teach me English when I was eight.

---Wow. You must have studied English for six years,         ?

A. haven’t you       B. mustn’t you           C. needn’t you     D. don’t you



--With the country’s pension fund gap becoming wider than ever, retirement age should be postponed immediately.

---Easier said than done.          we take all factors into account, we shall be faced with some other social problems.

A. Unless                      B. Until               C. When                       D. Once



-- We had          really smoggy December this year.

   --- I can’t remember          winter when air was polluted so severely.

A. a; /                         B. a; the           C. the; the           D. a; a



 At present, there are many instances          the governments distribute money to the citizens worldwide, but the sources of fund are still limited.

A. how              B. which           C. where              D. when



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