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Dickens World, a theme park in the UK, m...

Dickens World, a theme park in the UK, makes the life, stories and characters of Charles Dickens _______.

A. come true            B. come to life           C. come to an end   D. come into use


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:狄更斯世界,一个在英国的主题公园,使查尔斯狄更斯的故事中的人物,生活和品格活起来。  A. come true实现  B. come to life 苏醒,活跃起来  C. come to an end 结束  D. come into use开始使用,根据句意所以B正确。 考点:考查动词短语。

With all these attractions, _____ tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

A. there is no wonder        B. it is no wonder      C. it is no doubt                   D. so that



It will bring you into _____magical world and make your dream come true if  you are traveling through _____space.

A. a; the                              B. / ; /                        C. a; /                                  D. the; /



高考临近,很多高三学生情绪焦虑,请根据所提供的信息,以 “How to deal with test anxiety?” 为题,写一篇稿件投给中学生英语学习杂志。







         2、参考词汇:考场:the venue of the exam


How to deal with test anxiety?

It is common for us to feel anxious before the national college examination. Yet there are a number of things we can do to help manage exam and turn uncomfortable thoughts into more creative tension.




1.It is a great ________ for China to develop the fastest computer in today's world.(荣誉)

2.A collection of rare books is on __________ at the city library.(展览)

3.He keeps a bottle of champagne __________ behind a pile of books.(隐藏)

4.He felt ________ about spending so little time with his children.(内疚的)

5.Mrs. Fenn tried to f_________ the boy into telling her who had broken her window.(恐吓)

6.We didn’t think the new album would be such a big ______(风行一时之物)

7.The older __________ still recalls the horrors of World War II.(一代人)

8.Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a ___________society.(和谐的)

9.In spite of her f_______, most of her teachers and classmates still like her.(缺点)

10.There was no e__________ that either driver had been drinking.(证据)



In autumn of 1935, when I was a young man, I was traveling in the north of Indian. One evening, before hunting in the forest all day, I was returning to the place which I had put up my tent. It was getting dark, but I was walking along a road. Suddenly I saw two eye glaring at me from among the trees. How could I do? Should I jump into the river to save my life? Then I look to the right. In the river there had a big crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth was wide opening.  



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