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In the coming school sports meet, the sc...

In the coming school sports meet, the school will have us ____ groups.

A. divided into                   B. separated into   C. broken into           D. joined into


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:在即将到来的学校运动会上,学校将把我们分成几组。根据固定短语:divide …into 把整体分成若干部分,separate…from 把…分开,break into闯入,join…into把…连接成,根据句意所以A正确。 考点:考查动词短语

If you can’t understand these sentences, your constant lack of handing in homework ____.

A. will blame             B. is blamed                C. is to blame           D. is blaming



We all ____ that the construction of the bridge will be finished next term.

A. wonder                          B. doubt                   C. wish                              D. suspect



 ____ to cholera, the people became _______.

A. Exposed; terrified                                    B. Exposing; terrified 

C. To expose, terrifying                                 D. Exposed; terrifying



As we know, the UK _____ four parts, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

A . is made of                     B. is included    C. is consisted of      D. consists of



Dickens World, a theme park in the UK, makes the life, stories and characters of Charles Dickens _______.

A. come true            B. come to life           C. come to an end   D. come into use



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