满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

----Why didn’t you see me wave to you th...

----Why didn’t you see me wave to you then?

----Oh, If so. I must say sorry. I think I____ in the other direction.

A. looked       B. was looking        C. have looked        D. am looking


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查代词时态。句意:你为什么没和我们招手呢?对不起,那时我一定是正在朝另一个方向看呢。根据句意强调刚才的某一时刻,应该用过去进行时,所以B正确。 考点:考查

---Which one will I choose?

---Well, you can take _______ of them; I’ll keep none.

A. both                          B. all                       C. any                 D. either



It’s ______ that the boy break away from the bad habit of sleeping at class.

A. said                       B. suggested            C. known                 D. reported



Attention, please. This is the time capsule to the Anti-Japanese War. Please take ____ and ____ your belt. It’s leaving.

A. your seats, tie      B. place, fasten       C. your place, fasten         D. your time, fix



The capsule began swing gently sideways as we lay _______.

A. relaxed and dreaming                             B. relaxed and dreamed 

C. relaxing and dreaming                                       D. relax and dream



Sorry, dear. It’s my _____to have you take tablets by ____.

A. mistake; error     B. fault; mistake       C. error; fault                    D. fault; error



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