满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The police are ______ to become ______ p...

The police are ______ to become ______ people’s family problems.

A. reluctant; involved in    B. innovative; reduced to

C. supportive; equipped with    D. uncritical; ducked into


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:警察很不情愿卷入到人们的家庭问题里面去。reluctant adj不情愿的,勉强的; innovative adj革新的,创新的;supportive adj 支持的,支援的;uncritical adj 无批判力的,不加批判的;involve in卷入,涉及; reduce to减少;equip with用---武装;duck into躲进。故答案应为A。 考点:考查动词及短语的含义。

I’m definitely going to settle in the countryside when I retire. All the words have a similar meaning with the underlined word, Except ______.

A. surely   B. actually C. certainly        D. absolutely



 When it comes ______ a foreign language, many people wish they had a ______  for it.

A. to learning; genius         B. learn; gift

C. to learn; present D. learning; talent



 Your composition is well-written ______ a minor spelling mistake.

A. beside  B. besides C. except that   D. except for



Telling your sorrow to your friends will relieve the pain in your heart. All the words below have a similar meaning with the underlined word, Except ______.

A. lighten  B. lessen   C. deepen          D. ease



Her teacher praised her for her excellent grades in the mid-term exam. The underlined word means ______.

A. complained  B. complimented       C. affected         D. scanned



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