满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The UK has a well-respected higher educa...

The UK has a well-respected higher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. But to those who are new to it all, sometimes it can be confusing.

October is usually the busiest month in the college calendar. Universities have something called Freshers’ Week for their newcomers. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends, join lots of clubs and settle into university life.

However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, the prospect (前景) of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nerve-wracking (令人焦虑不安的). Where do you start? Who should you make friends with? Which clubs should you join?

Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot. So just take it all in slowly. Don’t rush into anything that you’ll regret for the next three years.

Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers’ Week:

● Learn rules. Make sure you know British social etiquette (礼节). Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.

● Be kind. Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.

● Be sociable. The more active you are, the more likely you’ll be to meet new people than if you’re someone who never leaves his room.

● Bring a doorstop. Keep your door open when you’re in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you’re friendly.

So with a bit of clever planning and effort, Freshers’ Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon you’ll be passing on your experience to next year’s freshers.

1.We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. Freshers’ Week usually comes in September in UK

B. all the students are required to join certain clubs in UK

C. many freshers are worried about how to fit university life

D. most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities

2.Why does the author suggest having wine glasses and snacks handy?

A. To pass the busy university life.

B. To help make friends with other freshers.

C. To show yourself a drinker as others.

D. To enjoy the time in a happy way.

3.The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

A. tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities

B. introduce something about higher education system of the UK

C. inform the freshers of British social etiquette

D. advise the freshmen how to behave well in the beginning


1.C 2.B 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章通过介绍英国大学Freshers’ Week“新生周”,来引入大学新生如何适应大学生活这一话题。许多新生对于新的大学生活感到陌生和担忧,文章给出了一些如何开始大学生活的建议。 1.根据第一段“But to those who are new to it all, sometimes it can be confusing.”和第四段“Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot.”可知,许多大一新生对于怎样适应大学生活感到担忧。故选C。 2.根据“Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends...Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.”有时候,几杯茶甚至几片面包就是结交朋友的开始,故选B。 3.根据“Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers’ Week...So with a bit of clever planning and effort, Freshers’ Week can give you a great start to your university life”可知,文章主要目的是教大一新生如何开始大学生活。故选A。 考点:教育类短文阅读

This is a true story of how my car got stuck in water and how a stranger helped me during the worst rain storm.

Last Sunday, the sky was grey when I woke up. The weather report said rain was coming, but I couldn’t stay home just because of rain.

Around 8:00 am I had a doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t raining then. At 9:00 I left the doctor’s office to drive to work, and it was raining hard. I just had to go about 5-6 miles down one main road to get to a nearby school, where I could stay until the rain ended. Unfortunately, the road in front of the school was flooded, and my car stopped in the middle.

“Who is going to save me?” I wondered. I shut off the engine and turned on my flashers (车灯). I called 911. They were not helpful. I called my husband, even though he couldn’t come and help me. I was also very close to a police station. But I never saw even one police car. I decided to get out of the car, since it was still pouring.

My best decision of the day had been to wear rain boots. I took my umbrella and quickly got out and ran across the street to a shelter.

Before long, a tow truck(拖车) happened to pass by the street. The driver kindly offered to help me. At that moment, I really needed car pulled out quickly, so I trusted the stranger. He pulled my car and drove me home. After he had dropped my car off, he also helped me check the engine. He said the engine was most likely flooded, but fortunately there was no water inside the car.

Although many years have passed, I still remember that stormy day and the warm-hearted stranger clearly.

1.How was the weather when the author got up?

A. Rainy.                                B. Cloudy.                    C. Windy.                     D. Sunny.

2.Which of the following is the correct order about the things that the author did?

① Drove to work.                                                  ② Drove to the doctor’s office.

③ Ran to a shelter.                                             ④ Called 911 for help.

A. ②①④③                        B. ②③①④                        C. ①②④③                        D. ①③②④

3.What did the author do after her car had got stuck in the water?

A. She turned off her flashers.

B. She tried to restart the engine.

C. She went to the police station nearby.

D. She got out of her car.

4.How did the stranger help the author?

A. He lent his car to her.                     

B. He pulled her car out of the water.

C. He drove her to school.                  

D. He helped her fix her engine.



In 1970, at the age of 35, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. There was not much      done at that time and my father had to rely on the medication and treatment that were      at that time. But one thing was      , my father was not a quitter. He was a teacher who       children with special educational needs in Chicago Public High School. Every day we would hear      about “his kids”. These “kids” did not usually      my sister and I.

One day, my father arrived at his school and walked up the     for his first period. He was having a very       day because the disease was really taking everything out of him. He       once and bruised (擦伤) his knee but he still kept going.       did he know that someone was watching.

As the day      his steps began to get a little lighter. At the end of the day, he was about to leave      a young girl entered his office. He had met her in the hallway but she was not one of his      . He asked what he could do for her and she said, “I just wanted to thank you for     my life.”

He looked at her and couldn’t       what he had done. She then went on      . “When I got up this morning, I felt as if I was at the end of my      and ready to kill myself. But when I saw you trying to go up the stairs and then you fell, I felt    and the feeling of sadness just kept getting     . And now you are walking as      as ever. It’s really true that everything will get better as the days go on.”

1.A. information                      B. research                            C. knowledge             D. experience

2.A. favorable                     B. believable                        C. reasonable            D. available

3.A. obvious                       B. special                         C. natural              D. strange

4.A. abandoned              B. followed                           C. taught              D. attended

5.A. stories                              B. jokes                 C. songs                       D. humors

6.A. connect                      B. change                     C. mean                       D. defeat

7.A. mountains                B. stairs                                 C. ladders        D. streets

8.A. normal                   B. pleasant                           C. simple              D. difficult

9.A. fell                            B. stood               C. happened         D. appeared

10.A. Few                          B. Little              C. Seldom             D. Never

11.A. arrived                          B. progressed         C. broke               D. stopped

12.A. until                                 B. before                C. when                      D. while

13.A. students                             B. friends             C. teachers               D. workers

14.A. losing                     B. giving               C. passing     D. saving

15.A. write down                 B. figure out                         C. cut off               D. put up

16.A. responding             B. admitting                          C. explaining           D. complaining

17.A. rope                B. wall               C. road                 D. work

18.A. sorry                B. bad               C. lucky                 D. proud

19.A. lower                  B. weaker           C. higher             D. stronger

20.A. carefully             B. quickly           C. lightly              D. slowly



— Dressed in a red coat, he is like a girl rather than a boy.

— ______ I didn’t recognize him.

No wonder                           B. No way                    C. No doubt                          D. No problem



Chang’e­2 did many experiments, ______ I think are of much help for knowing space.

A. which                           B. what                       C. when                  D. where



— Could I have the small table by the window?

— Sorry, sir. It ______ in advance.

A. booked                            B. will be booked                C. had booked                   D. has been booked



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