满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The missing boys were last seen _______ ...

The missing boys were last seen _______ near the river.

A. to play                                                                   B. to be playing

C. play                                                                        D. Playing


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查感官动词的复合结构。所填的词为主语补足语,因其后有明确的地点,补足语表示动作当时正在进行中,所以只能使用playing。也就是说,这里使用的是see sb. doing sth.这一结构,而不是see sb. do sth.这一结构。句意:这个失踪的男孩最后一次被看到时正在河边玩。 考点:考查感官动词的复合结构。

 — I’m afraid the date for the interview doesn’t suit me.

     — _______, we can make it another day.

A. If so                         B. If necessary                     C. If not                        D. If possible



_______, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

A. Strange as it might sound                                   B. Strange although it might sound

C. As it might sound strange                                   D. As strange it might sound



_______ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

A. So curious the couple were                              B. Such curious the couple were

C. Such curious were the couple                          D. So curious were the couple



_______ that he made an obvious mistake, Jeff went on with his speech.

A. Not realized                                                          B. Not to realize

C. Not to have realized                                            D. Not realizing



ack went to college last year, _______ to return home until he achieves his goal.

A. determined not                                                   B. determining not

C. not determined                                                   D. not determining



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