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The relationship between humans and anim...

The relationship between humans and animals has always been complex. Some cultures have developed entire belief systems around favored animals. Even in cultures with less formal belief systems, connections between people and animals still lead to commonly accepted opinions about animals.

These belief systems usually develop around the animals that interact (互动) with humans most frequently. Therefore, it should not be surprising that so many stories surround the most common of animals: rats. Rats live side by side with humans all over the world and regularly interact with people. Human-rat coexistence may be common all around the world, but different cultures respond to that closeness in different ways.

In the United States and Europe, one typical attitude is that the rat is a pest. This could be due to the common belief that rats spread disease. Actually, they don’t, at least not directly, but many people don’t know that. The Pied Piper of Hamlin, a well-known children’s story, is one example of how rats have been described in Western literature: in that story, rats cause such a problem that a town has to hire a piper to call them all away.

In many Latin American countries, the rat is described in a very different way. The story of the tooth fairy (a fairy believed by children to leave money while they sleep in exchange for a tooth that has come out) is common all over the world, but in Latin America, the “fairy” is a rat! Rats do have very strong teeth, which could explain the association. Clearly, this shows another attitude toward rats that is much more positive.

Yet another attitude toward the rat can be seen in the Chinese Zodiac (生肖). The Rat is one of the animals of the Zodiac. Like the other zodiac animals, the Rat is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. It’s described as clever and friendly, but also tricky and not entirely honest. That may be the most accurate description of the rat so far. Whether you like rats or not, it’s hard to deny their reputation for cleverness.

As many people are discovering these days, rats can even make excellent pets, so long as you remember to close the cage carefully!

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. A trend of keeping rats as pets.              

B. How different cultures look at rats.

C. How humans get along with animals.          

D. Favored animals in different cultures.

2.The rats in The Pied Piper of Hamlin appear______.

A. unpleasant        B. honest         C. smart        D. unusual

3.The tooth fairy in Latin America mentioned in Paragraph4 is to show______.

A. the tooth fairy is lovely                     

B. rats look very frightening

C. rats are welcome in Latin American countries

D. the story of the tooth fairy is common all over the world

4.According to the author, rats______.

A. don’t spread disease               

B. should be treated as pests

C. are fairly described in the Chinese Zodiac         

D. are kept as pets by more and more people

5.The passage is probably taken from a ______.

A. travel guide           B. news report        C. nature magazine       D. history textbook


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:什么动物和人亲近?和人打得交道越多,这种动物也就越受重视。比如老鼠,在不同的文化中,老鼠的形象和代表的意义也不相同。有的认为它们是害虫,有的视为祥瑞,有的养做宠物......你怎么看? 1.推理判断题。文章主要讲述了不同的国家和地区的人们对待老鼠的不同态度。尤其根据Therefore后面的叙述可知选B。 2.细节理解题。由“in that story, rats cause such a problem that a town has to hire a piper to call them all away.”可知,老鼠引起了大麻烦以至于人们不得不请来吹笛人驱逐老鼠。所以是 unpleasant 讨厌的;honest诚实的;smart时髦的;unusual经常的。故选A。 3.细节理解题。由“ but in Latin America, the “fairy” is a rat! ”可知,老鼠是小精灵表明拉丁美洲的人们很欢迎老鼠。故选C。 4.细节理解题。根据“Like the other zodiac animals, the Rat is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. It’s described as clever and friendly, but also tricky and not entirely honest. ”可知,老鼠在十二生肖中还是得到了公平的描述:不好也不坏,聪明友好,还有点滑。故选C。 5.推理判断题。本文介绍了老鼠在不同国家地区和文化环境中的不同对待态度,因此应该摘自自然杂志。travel guide旅游手册; news report新闻报道; nature magazine自然杂志;history textbook历史教科书。故选C 考点:科普类阅读。   

Imagine someone has crossed the seas joining five continents by swimming. It is a major success for anyone. But it is an even greater success for Philippe Croizon, who has no arms, and no legs! His achievements show that we can all achieve great things—no matter who we are.

Philippe Croizon was 26 years old when he had an accident. The doctors had to remove both of his arms and legs. “When they cut off my last leg I wanted to die. I suffered great depression and my spirit was as low as you can get. But you have to choose—and I chose to live!” said Croizon.

While he was recovering in hospital, Croizon saw a television programme about a woman who had been swimming across the English Channel. After watching the programme Croizon decided to do it. He began to exercise every day to make him strong and it took him two years to prepare.

Finally in 2010, Croizon was ready. He entered the cold, grey sea of the English Channel. He was now 42 years old. It took him from early morning until night to swim the distance. He felt a lot of pain. But he had become the first person without arms and legs to swim between France and England. Croizon had achieved his dream, but he did not stop there. He looked for a new goal.

Early in 2012 he planned to swim across the seas that join five major continents. During the next few months he swam between the four continents of Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe and finally in the cold waters of the Bering Strait between the continents of Asia and the Americas.

“We want to show people something. If disabled people have courage and a lot of training they can do the same things as those who are not disabled,” said Croizon.

1.According to the passage, Philippe Croizon _____.

A. was born with disability                      

B. suffered a lot from the accident

C. chose to live because of a TV programme        

D. was fond of swimming since he was young

2.What do we know about Philippe Croizon’s swimming across the English Channel?

A. It took him two years to finish it.            

B. He was the first person to achieve it.

C. It was easy for him to finish the swim.        

D. He spent a lot of time preparing for it.

3.Philippe Croizon’s crossing the seas joining five continents______.

A. lasted a month                             

B. ended in the Bering Strait

C. happened when he was 42 years old       

D. was inspired by a television programme

4.Which of the following can best describe Philippe Croizon’s story?

A. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.           

B. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

C. Actions speak louder than words.          

D. The finest diamond must be cut.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Hope in the corner                        

B. A disabled man’s dream

C. Challenges to Philippe Croizon              

D. Philippe Croizon’s amazing swim




American Idol is a TV show and annual American singing competition, which began its first season on June 11, 2002. It is based on the British show Pop Idol, in which thousands of young singers, aged 16-28, audition(试演)for the chance   1.  (choose) as the new singing idol. The program seeks to discover the  2.  (good) young singer in the country through  3.  series of nationwide auditions.              

Auditions  4.  (hold) in key cities around the country, with judges removing some contestants(选手),  5.  there are only 30 left. These 30 compete, on air, and the viewing public votes for  6.  three favorites each week, over the course of the next three weeks. Those nine contestants, along   7.  one “wild card” chosen by judges, continue on to the next stage of the competition,  8.  takes place over several weeks. The outcome of the latter stages of this competition is wholly determined by public voting. There are three judges assessing the contestants’    9.  (perform) in order to facilitate(推动) the voting.

Of these ten, two winners are chosen to appear in a live half-hour telecast(电视广播)the following evening to compete   10.  a top-dollar record deal.



Valentine’s Day is a popular festival of love and romance. There are      legends associated with the festival along with the belief that birds began to mate from this day. Historians trace (追踪)its      to an ancient Roman festival. It is said that in ancient Rome, people      a holiday on February 14th to honor Juno—the Queen of Roman Gods and Goddesses. On the following day, February 15th,the festival of Lupercalia was celebrated to honor the Roman God of Agriculture.

An interesting      was followed on the festival of Lupercalia to bring together young boys and girls who otherwise were strictly      . On the eve of the festival, names of young Roman girls were written on a slip of paper and placed into jars. Each young man      a girl's name from the jar and was paired with the girl during the festival. Sometimes the      lasted for a year until next year's celebration. Quite often,the couple would fall in love with each other and       marry. The custom lasted for a long time until people felt that it was un-Christian and that mates should be chosen by sight, not      .

The pairing of young boys and girls set the mood of the Valentine's Day Festival as we know today. But it was      due to the efforts and daring of a priest St Valentine that the festival got its       and clearer meaning. The story goes that Emperor Claudius II of Rome found it      to get soldiers and felt the reason why men did not join the      was that they did not wish to leave their wives and families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. St Valentine challenged Claudius's      order and secretly married couples. When his disobedience was      ,Valentine was put to death on February 14, around 270 AD. After his death Valentine was named a saint.

1.A. acceptable          B. familiar        C. various D. unrelated

2.A. possibility  B. development         C. event    D. origin

3.A. studied       B. observed       C. handled       D. discussed

4.A. movement B. celebration   C. competition  D. custom

5.A. respected  B. educated       C. separated      D. organized

6.A. spoke out  B. brought out  C. pulled out     D. drew out

7.A. pairing        B. dating        C. playing  D. celebrating

8.A. fortunately         B. occasionally  C. finally    D. surprisingly

9.A. order          B. risk        C. name    D. luck

10.A. usually     B. actually C. really    D. factually

11.A. history     B. story     C. fame     D. name

12.A. strange    B. slow      C. awful     D. tough

13.A. war  B. party     C. army     D. game

14.A. unfinished        B. unjustified     C. unrecognized        D. unconcerned

15.A. discovered       B. attacked        C. memorized   D. promised










提示: 军训military training  新生 freshman








1.克服问题      ______________

2.看不见     ______________

3.新环境            ______________

4.提醒某人某事                 ______________

5.专注于            ______________

6.牢记                        ______________

7.开始工作                 ______________

8.理应做……               ______________

9.进行急救      ______________

10.区别对待;有影响      ______________



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