满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We are seeking a prime minister, _____ w...

We are seeking a prime minister, _____ who will devote himself to the interest of the country.

A. he            B. him          C. that            D. one


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查代词的用法区别。这是一个非限制性定语从句,who引导的定语从句前面缺乏先行词,根据题干:我们正在寻找一位总理,一位即将把自己一生贡献到国家利益中的部长。上文提到的是一位部长,故下文提到的也是泛指一位部长,故用one指代上文提到的人或物,表示泛指等于a/an +名词,故D正确。 考点:考查代词的用法区别。

Due to the policy of free highway fees on major holidays, too many passenger cars are trapped on the highways, causing heavy traffic jams, some even _______ for several hours.

A. held up        B. broken up       C. taken up      D. given up



Engineering is ______ challenging course of study that requires ______ thorough understanding of mathematics and science.

A. the; a        B. a; the     C.不填;不填            D. a; a



What I’ve just got for Christmas is ________ attractive ipad, ______ present I have been longing for.

A. an; a         B. an; the        C. the; a            D. the; the



“实行低碳经济”,“过低碳生活”,现在已经成为了人们关注的热门话题。最近,你们班的同学就这个话题展开了热烈的讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息,给21st century 写篇文章,报道你们班级的讨论情况。













Nowadays, carrying out low carbon economy and living a low carbon life has been a hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it.





Young people are definitely less courageous (勇敢的) than they were 30 years ago. Why is this? It’s because they are spoiled, and take for granted everything that they have or are given.

Thirty years ago, there wasn’t nearly as much blatant (公然的) disrespect for elders, peers, or other people in general. At that time, young people were taught that to get anything or get anywhere in life, they’d have to work for it and earn it.

If young people aren’t being taught the basics of respecting others, and aren’t being taught that they need to work to make a living, then where are they to learn courage?

Courage isn’t necessarily about risking your life, for whatever reason. It is about being able to face any kind of hardship, and to make decisions and face the consequences of those decisions.

Courage means being able to learn from hard times, and to take those lessons with you through life. It means having the resourcefulness (足智多谋) to find ways to deal with your problems yourself, and not being afraid to do so.

Too many young people now rely on parents, siblings, older relatives and others to get them through life. Too often they turn to these figures whenever they get into trouble, and expect to have their problems solved for them.

If we are to help our young people become more courageous, we should stop spoiling them, stop doing everything for them, and teach them the skills necessary to make basic life decisions on their own.

Once these basic principles are instilled (灌输) in our young people, I think we’ll find that they are more courageous than we could have dreamed, and more like the young people of thirty years ago than we had ever imagined.

It’s time to go back to older values and ideas, and to bring courage back into our young people and society.


1._____with young people 30 years ago, those are less courageous.

The behavior of young people today

*They generally show 2._____for elders and other people.

*They take for granted whatever they have or receive.

*Many of them are too3._____ on their parents or other relatives to get them through life.



*They are not5._____ of the basics of respecting others.

*They are not taught to work hard to 6.____ their dreams   

*They don’t have the 7.______ to make wise decisions and overcome difficulties independently.

*They tend to expect others, such as their parents or siblings, to help them out when they are in8.____.



*Never 9.____ them; only help them when necessary.

*Teach them the skills they need to make basic life decisions by themselves.




It’s time we went back to older values and ideas, and10.____ courage back into our young people and society.



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