满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was in so poor light that I couldn't ...

It was in so poor light that I couldn't _________ what the newspaper said.

A. cry out       B. let out              C. speak out          D.  make out


D 【解析】 试题分析:A呼喊,尖叫;B泄露,出卖;放大;C毫无保留地说出;D辨认出,理解;句义:光线太差了,我很难认出报纸上说的内容。根据句义说明D正确。 考点:考察动词短语辨析

In the reading room, we found her_______at the desk, with her attention______on a book.

A. seated; fixing    B. to sit; fixed  C. seated; fixed       D. seating; fixing



---Time and tide wait for no man.

---________. We should value our time.

A. Absolutely right   B. I can’t agree with you   C. Nonsense        D. Certainly not



The accident was ________ the driver’s careless driving rather than bad weather.

A. because        B. thanks to      C. accustomed to       D. due to



Under no circumstances_____ his home turned into a battlefield between the forces of light and darkness.

A. would he have     B. he would have      C. would have he               D. he would have had



I wanted to park my car by the roadside, but a policeman came up and told me ____.

A. not to                     B. not to do                C. not do it                          D. do not to



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