满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A ship loaded with expensive goods was r...

A ship loaded with expensive goods was reported ________ into the sea with its oil ________ .

A. to sink ; given out                                               B. to have sunk ; run out

C. having sunk ; used up                               D. to have sunk ; run out of


D 【解析】 试题分析:本题第一空是一个固定句式sth be reported to have done据说做了某事;使用不定式的完成式表示已经完成,已经发生的动作。第二空是with的复合结构,名词its oil与动词短语run out of构成被动关系,故使用run out of。Run out是没有被动语态。句义:据报道一艘装满昂贵货物的船由于汽油用完而沉没在大海里。故D正确。 考点:考察非谓语动词用法

Friendship among the nations will _______the economic development of the region.

A. devote to                 B. contribute to     C. attend to        D. appeal to



My house is located near the main street, so my family were____ upset by the outside noise.

A. regularly          B. continuously      C. constantly       D. suddenly



In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls usually also copy _____ of their mothers.

A. that           B. those             C. one                    D. the ones



It was in so poor light that I couldn't _________ what the newspaper said.

A. cry out       B. let out              C. speak out          D.  make out



In the reading room, we found her_______at the desk, with her attention______on a book.

A. seated; fixing    B. to sit; fixed  C. seated; fixed       D. seating; fixing



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