满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The newly built dining hall ,which is __...

The newly built dining hall ,which is ______the old one., will open to students next Sunday.

A. as three times large as   B. three times larger than

C. larger three times than   D. three times as larger as


B 【解析】 试题分析: 考查倍数与比较级的运用。 表示倍数的比较级用法:1. A is …times the size /height/length/width of  2.  A is …times as big /high/long/wide/large as B.  3. A is …times larger /higher/longer/wider than B。根据题意,这个新餐厅是旧的三倍大,将会在下个周日向学生开放。故选B项。 考点  倍数的比较级用法。

This machine_____ .It hasn’t worked for years.

A. didn’t work    B. wasn’t working    C. doesn’t work   D. isn’t working



I knocked at the door hard,and soon the door opened and a _____ face looked out, “ who is troubling me at this time of night.”

A. surprised   B. surprising   C. sruprise   D. surprisingly



----Would you mind my turning up the radio a bit?

 -----______The baby is sleeping.

A. No, thanks.   B. No, good idea    C.. Yes, please    D. Yes. Better not.



 ---Is that word ____ in the dictionary?

   ---No. It seems a newly-formed word.

A. written   B. read   C. printed   D. covered



Black doesn’t believe his son is able to design a digital camera,_____?

A. is he         B.isn’t he      C. doesn’t he     D. does he



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