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A recent study suggests that teens’ rela...

A recent study suggests that teens’ relationship with parents, friends and teachers may have a lot to do with why they don’t get a good night’s sleep.

David Maume, a sociologist and sleep researcher, analyzed federal health data, which interviewed 974 teenagers when they were 12, and then again at 15. He found that family dynamics (动态) have much to do with how well kids sleep. Teens, who had warm relations with their parents and felt like they could talk to them or their parents were supportive of them, tended to sleep better. However, families that were going through a divorce or a remarriage tended to affect teens’ sleep.

And problems at school also affected teens’ sleep. Feeling safe at school and having good relations with teachers tended to promote better sleep. As did good relationships with friends. Kids who took part in sports or other positive social activities or shared similar academic goals with their friends were also more likely to get a good night’s sleep.

These add up to what makes lots of sense: a general feeling of well-being helps teens sleep. If we’re happy and contented, we’re much more likely to sleep better than if we’re sad and anxious.

Now, of course, teens can hardly resist being drawn to their computers and social networking. Maume also found that when parents were strict not only about bedtime, but also about limiting technology, kids slept better. It’s a finding that seems obvious, but parents really do matter when it comes to health habits of their teenagers.

Clearly, teenagers aren’t getting 9 to 10 hours a night, which puts them at risk for all the consequences of lack of sleep, including poor academic performance, colds and stress.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Teens’ sleep is linked to their relationship with people around them.

B. Lack of adequate sleep puts teens at risk of many bad consequences.

C. Modern technology has something to do with teens’ sleep problems.

D. It is necessary for teens to join in sports and positive social activities.

2.According to Maume’s analysis, who will probably have a poor night’s sleep?

A. Teens who feel like talking with their parents.                

B. Teens who have friends sharing their dreams.

C. Teens who feel contented about themselves.                          

D. Teens who lack a sense of security at school.

3. Para 5 functions as              .

A. a comparison        B. an introduction               C. a conclusion           D. an addition

4. Parents are supposed to               when their kids are growing up.

A. continue their broken marriage                      

B. allow children to decide when to sleep

C. limit teens’ using new technology          

D. force teens to have 10 hours’ sleep daily


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍一项研究发现,年轻人和家人和学校同学的关系影响他们的睡眠,还有现代科技也影响年轻人的睡眠。 1.主旨题:从全篇文章和第一段的句子:A recent study suggests that teens’ relationship with parents, friends and teachers may have a lot to do with why they don’t get a good night’s sleep. 可知这篇文章讲的是年轻人的睡眠和他们周围的人有关,选A 2.细节题:从文章第三段的句子; And problems at school also affected teens’ sleep. Feeling safe at school and having good relations with teachers tended to promote better sleep.可知根据Maume所说在学校缺乏安全感的年轻人睡眠差,选 D 3.写作手法题:从第五段的句子:Maume also found that when parents were strict not only about bedtime, but also about limiting technology, kids slept better.可知这段是一个补充,选D 4.细节题:从文章第五段的句子:Maume also found that when parents were strict not only about bedtime, but also about limiting technology, kids slept better.可知父母应该在孩子成长的过程中限制孩子使用新科技,选C 考点:考查健康类短文

“iPhone 5”, the tallest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone

满分5 manfen5.com

We don’t want to change your phone, we want to make you say, “Wow, that is a bigger change than I expected”. “iPhone 5” is a result of that desire to surprise.

It’s been completely redesigned. For the first time ever, we’ve increased the size of display (显示) by making the screen taller but not wider.

You can see more of your content without the need to scroll. We are making scrolling the thing of the past. It is more comfortable to use and reduces tiredness from scrolling when you read long documents.

Even with the larger display, it is the thinnest iPhone we ever built. To achieve the design this tall, we have to look at it and completely redesign the architecture inside. It’s 18% thinner and 79.5% taller than the previous iPhone. It makes everything you do on “iPhone5” easier. No more hidden menus, no confusing gestures. Everything is right at your fingertips.

The panorama feature (全景拍照) is simply awesome. The ultra HD (超高清) widescreen display lets you get your entire shot in a single snap (快门). You can also use its creative design for picture stabilization.

With an iPhone this tall, reception of signals has never been better. And of course, all your favorite applications are still available. In fact you will find your old favorites also benefit from the new experiencing handsome ultra HD widescreen. We found while many previous iPhone owners were using Facetime, they only used it for the faces. That’s why we are introducing Bodytime. With its ultra HD widescreen display, Bodytime lets you see a person’s entire body.

It took all of our learning and all of our thinking to realize something so simple, so clear, and yet so tall.

And I wish your pocket were tall enough to hold such a perfect invention!

1.How is the screen of “iPhone 5” different from the previous ones?

A. Wider.                     B. Taller.                                C. Easier.                               D. Thinner.

2.What does the underlined word “scroll” probably mean?

A. Update the webpage.                                         B. Download new documents.

C. Refresh the content.                                           D. Move the content upward.

3.What can we infer about “iPhone 5” from the passage?

A. It is really necessary for you to hide menus.

B. The reception of signals is bad due to its length.

C. Bodytime is popular with previous iPhone owners.

D. New applications of “iPhone 5” are unbelievable.

4.“iPhone 5” is introduced in a(n) ________ way in this passage.

A. humorous       B. objective                          C. scientific                          D. serious



Xinhua News Agency-The International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE) 2013, organized by the Chinese Society of Power Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, opened in Wuhan, on Oct 24. More than 300 energy experts, scholars and businessmen from countries and areas including the United States, Japan, the EU, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Nigeria, Arab and China are attending the three-day academic conference on the world’s energy problems.

Professor Zheng Chuguang, from the School of Energy and Power Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, gave a speech on the development of oxygen fuel technology in China, and said that settling the problem of cost ranks highest.

George Saxon, vice-president of Conco Systems Inc, US, presented a report on the topic of Energy Engineer to Shape the Future. He said that the company’s research and innovation (创新) are of great significance for the future and already contribute to reducing costs and improving efficiency (效率).

Professor Didier Mayer from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, France, spoke about “Wind Energy R&D Line Based on the Global Renewable Energy Status”, and Professor Yasuo Koizumi of Shinshu University in Japan and Li Chun-Zhu of Curtin University of Technology in Australia also gave speeches at the conference.

The academic meetings are expected to cover topics from various fields. In addition, the participants will discuss the most advanced academic research around the world, the latest progress and development trends in the various fields. The conference has attracted 232 academic papers, with 176 papers from China, and 56 from abroad.

1.Who probably attended the meeting?

A. Students from high schools.                     B. Scholars from Canada.

C. Officials from governments.                            D. Experts from companies.

2. According to Professor Zheng, what matters most about energy problems?

A. Reducing cost.                                               B. Using wind energy.

C. Saving energy.                                                      D. Developing new fuels. 

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A. 300 participants are attending the two-day academic conference.

B. George Saxon supports the company’s research and innovation.

C. Didier Mayer gave a speech on oxygen fuel technology in China.

D. The conference has attracted 232 academic papers from abroad.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To discuss the world energy problems.

B. To introduce to readers some energy experts.

C. To introduce an international energy conference.

D. To show the world’s great concern about environment.



My wife Julie and I were out on the road that runs around where we live, when we saw an old worn-out dog stumbling (蹒跚) painfully up the road. We stopped, bent down, talked gently to the dog and patted it. I checked and there was a collar with a phone number. I called but no one answered.

The dog was painfully thin. So Julie ran home to get some of our dog’s food while I tried to encourage the dog. After Julie came back, we sat down on the sidewalk while our new friend made short work of the food. Eventually we got her home.

After trying for many times we got a response from the number. A lady came around with a bunch of flowers for us. She explained that Tara had been her father’s dog. She was very old and got lost that morning. So, Tara was safely returned home.

Here is the truth of the story:

Actually Julie and I were out that morning because I was leaving. She was trying to persuade me to come back, but I wasn’t hearing anything that made that sound likely.

I was about to turn and go when an old black dog walked between us and almost fell down. Suddenly we had something more important than our problem to worry about. There was a creature in need right before us and we had to work together to help it.

We did help it. And here I am writing the story in my own home, in my own family.

In the song “Love Is Not a Fight” Warren Barfield talks about marriage. At one point he sings, “And if we try to leave, may God send angels (天使) to guard the door.”

Sometimes angels come disguised (伪装) as dogs.

1.How was the dog when found?

A. Too weak to walk.                                       B. Thin and worn out.        

C. Unable to eat food.                                             D. Homeless but gentle.

2. We can infer from Paragraph 2 that         .

A. the dog didn’t go with the writer                    

B. the writer had his own pet dog

C. Julie bought some food for the dog                

D. the dog didn’t eat any of the food

3.The underlined part “our problem” in the passage refers to the fact that         .

A. the writer didn’t want to take Julie’s advice

B. an old black dog appeared in front of them

C. Julie disagreed with the writer’s travel on business

D. the couple had some trouble with their marriage

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. An Angel Dog        B. A Helpful Couple   C. Saving the Dog                D. A Famous Song




满分5 manfen5.com

We would like to wish all our readers a wonderful winter break. Our January magazine is now in the shops and available digitally. We’re looking forward to sharing more adventures and discoveries with you in 2014, including:

At a crossroads in the Atlantic

As the population of Ascension Island rises up to mark the 200th anniversary of British rule, Fred Pearce wonders what the future might have in store for this strange part of land.

Photostory: On the road again

A selection of images from an exhibition opening this month at the Royal Geographical Society go hand in hand with M Aurel Stein’s early 20th century photographs of the Silk Road.

Dossier: Going underground

Mark Rowe discusses the role that carbon storage can play in the global effort to reduce carbon dioxide emission (排放).

Net loss

Kit Gillet reports from the Gulf of Thailand, whose fisheries (渔场) have been almost destroyed by the commercialization of the Thai fishing industry.

And don’t forget…

…a round-up of the latest geographical and climate science news; a hot spot focus on Turkey; advice on taking photographs in Antarctica; an interview with Lucien Castaing-Taylor, professor of visual arts at Harvard; plus lots, lots more…

Buy your copy now, click here and save up to 35% or call +44 (0)1635 588 496. Geographical is also available in WHSmith and many independent news agents.

1.Who took photos of the Silk Road?

A. M Aurel Stein.      B. Fred Pearce.                  C. Mark Rowe.           D. Lucien Castaing-Taylor.

2.If you want to read something about global warming, you can read         .

A. At a crossroads in the Atlantic                         

B. Photostory: On the road again

C. Dossier: Going underground                  

D. Net loss

3. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Ascension Island has a bright future with more population.

B. Commercialization contributes to the loss of fishery in Thai.

C. The January edition of 2014 is to come out in the winter break.

D. The topics of this magazine focus on geography and interviews.

4.The passage is written to         .

A. share adventures and discoveries                           

B. give advice on taking photos

C. attract readers to buy the magazine               

D. introduce the content of the magazine



I have been in love with China since 2010.

After one year in Zhejiang University, I got a great       — to work as an assistant manager in a big hotel. The best part of this job was that I was the only      , so I got a good chance to understand Chinese culture and practice my      .

Actually, I have got       I supposed to. I have got valuable experience, devoted friends and the feeling that I am not laowai anymore.

 Guests were pleasantly surprised to see me there, because I was an interpreter, trip adviser, and       guide at the same time, which made their life much      . I met people from all over the world, who came to China for the first time,       who knew China better than me.       my Chinese colleagues, who had answers to all the questions about      , I could explain why you should       before you buy, why Chinese don’t let guests       dinner, why it is not common to book a taxi and why it is better to catch       on the street. I also had chances to       the development of China.

The waiters and managers were not only my teachers, but       my friends. If I needed help, they were       to help me. I enjoyed our small conversations       they were kind and educated. I was very proud and happy of the fact that all of them       me and I don’t feel     anymore.

 The best part of my job was to see people coming       the hotel. When they recognized me, they       share their adventures, burdens, even thoughts with me. It means the world to me.

 I spent there 8 months and it was a period when I was proud to be who I am.

1.A. scholarship                         B. degree                          C. job                                   D. entertainment

2.A. manager                              B. stranger                         C. guest                              D. foreigner

3.A. judgment                            B. cooking                         C. English                           D. Chinese

4.A. more than                           B. as much as                   C. less than                        D. as little as

5.A. restaurant                          B. tour                      C. school                            D. family

6.A. tougher                      B. easier                            C. sharper                          D. safer

7.A. but                               B. then                            C. or                                   D. so

8.A. But for                                 B. Thanks to              C. In addition to      D. Except for

9.A. weather                              B. language              C. direction              D. culture

10.A. weep                       B. disappear                      C. pray                                D. bargain

11.A. give up                      B. pay for                C. leave out                        D. take away

12.A. one                                     B. them                              C. it                                      D. that

13.A. overlook                    B. discuss               C. design                             D. prevent

14.A. never ever                        B. now and then                 C. most of the time           D. at times

15.A. curious                              B. delighted             C. afraid                              D. lucky

16.A. unless                                  B. although                           C. when                               D. because

17.A. trust                                   B. envy                                 C. ignore                             D. represent

18.A. annoyed            B. embarrassed                C. addicted                         D. amazed

19.A. out of                                  B. from                              C. back to                           D. off

20.A. passively                             B. awfully                           C. unwillingly            D. happily



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