满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There are many taxi drivers in our city....

There are many taxi drivers in our city.They often like to chat with passengers to      time when the taxis are caught in traffic jams.The other day,I went home by taxi.Knowing I was a student,the driver told me that he was once a student twenty years ago.    ,his family could not afford the school fees,so he dropped out of school at an early age.He     me to work hard and go to a good college.I was moved by his kindness,but what really impressed me next was his     .After arriving home,I soon realized that I had      my cell phone in the taxi.Greatly worried,I immediately called my number,    the driver would answer.Then came the driver's       from tlle other end.He told me he had been     my call and that he would gladly return my phone where he dropped me off earlier that day.Thanks to the driver,I got my phone     .I believe honesty is one of the greatest     a person should have.Thank you ever so much,Mr.Taxi driver.

1.A.have          B.kill         C.spend      D.1ive

2.A.Unfortunately  B.Unusually    C.Absolutely  D.Accurately

3.A.persuaded     B.ordered      C.required    D.encouraged

4.A.modesty      B.ability       C.honesty    D.security

5.A.forgotten     B.placed       C.left        D.dropped

6.A.begging      B.praying      C.thinking    D.saying

7.A.whisper      B.noise        C.sound     D.voice

8.A.making      B.expecting    C.refusing    D.fearing

9.A.over        B.through      C.back      D.across

10.A.advantages   B.achievements  C.qualities   D.images


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:作者在一次乘车时遇到一位好心的司机,他给作者讲述了自己小时候因家庭贫困而辍学的经历,鼓励作者要好好学习,珍惜在校的时光。然而真正体现出司机美德的事情是当作者发现自己把手机落到出租车里时司机感人的表现。 1.B  动词辨析。A.有 ;B.杀死 ;C.度过;D.生活。根据语境可知在堵车时司机和乘客聊天目的是为了在等待时消磨时间,kill time“消磨时间,打发时光”答案选B。 2.A副词辨析。A.不幸;B.不寻常; C.绝对地 ;D.精确地。从后面的内容his family could not afford the school fees,so he dropped out of school at an early age可知因贫困而辍学是件不幸的事情,选A。 3.D  动词辨析。A.劝说 ;B.命令;C.要求; D.鼓励。根据空后面的内容可知这是司机对作者的鼓励,其他选项不合语境,答案选D。 4.C名词辨析。A.谦虚 ;B.能力;C.诚实;D.安全。根据下文内容可知司机归还了作者落在车上的手机,这是一种诚实的行为,故选C。 5.C  动词辨析。A.忘记 ;B.放置;C.离开,落下; D.掉下。固定搭配:leave sth in sp“把某物落在某处”,而forget只强调忘记某事或者忘记做某事,答案选C。 6.B  动词辨析。A.乞求 ;B.祈求 ;C.思考;D.说。由当时的情形可以判断作者非常希望司机能接电话,可以把电话归还给他,故答案选B。 7.D名词辨析。A.口哨音,低语 ;B.噪音; C.声音; D.嗓音。根据语境可知电话接通后传来司机的声音,强调人的声音用voice,sound指自然界的一切声音,noise指噪音,whisper“低语”,不符合语境,答案选D。 8.B  动词辨析。A.制造; B.期望 ;C.拒绝;D.害怕。从后句and that he would gladly return my phone可知司机愿意归还作者的手机,所以他是一直在等着作者去联系他,故答案选B. 9.C介词辨析。A.在上方 ;B.通过; C.后面 ;D.穿过。从上文可知作者拿回了手机,固定短语get sth back“取回”,答案选C。 10.C名词辨析。A.优势; B.成绩;C.质量,品质 ;D.想象。从情理可知诚实守信是人的一种优良品质,答案选C。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

Life is like an onion,        sometimes makes you weep when you try to open it.

A.that     B.which      C.as      D.what



He drank up the whole bottle of milk,not       even a drop to his little brother.

A.1eave    B.leaving      C.1eft    D.to leave



It suddenly occurred to me        I hadn’t locked my door.

A.which     B.where    C.that    D.whether



Tom had been studying French hard for nearly three years     he mastered it.

A.after       B.when    C.since       D.before



---That must have been a terrible experience.

---Yeah.I      in the damaged car,unable to move.

A.was stuck    B.have been stuck    C.am stuck  D.had been stuck.



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