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Time is something from which we can' t e...

Time is something from which we can' t escape.  Even if we ignore it,  it's still going by, ticking away, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour.   1.  the main issue in using your time well is "Who's in charge?" We can allow time to slip by   2.    let it be our enemy. Or we can take control of it and make it     3.   ally(同盟) .

      By taking control of    4.   you spend your time, you'll increase your chances of becoming    5.  more successful student. Perhaps more importantly, the better you are at managing the time you devote   6.  your studies, the more time you'II have to spend on your outside interests .

      The aim of time management is  7.  to schedule every moment so we become slaves of a timetable 8.  governs every waking moment of the day. Instead, the aim is to make informed choices as to how we use our time.


1.so 2.and 3.our 4.how 5.a 6.to 7.not 8.that/which 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍如何对待时间,是忽视它,还是控制它,还有如何控制时间,而不至于成为它的奴隶。 1.如果我们忽略时间,它就会一点一点的流逝,所以使用时间的主要问题是“谁主宰“,用连词:so 2.我们可以让时间溜走,并成为我们的敌人。用并列连词:and 3.我们也可以控制时间,使它成为我们的同盟。用形容词性物主代词:our 4.通过控制我们怎样花费时间。用how 5.这会增加你成为一个成功的学生的机会。用不定冠词:a 6.考查词组:devote time to…“将时间投入…”. 7.管理时间的目的不是规定每个时刻让我们成为时间的奴隶。用否定词:not 8.考查定语从句:先行词是a timetable ,that/which governs every waking moment of the day.修饰先行词,意思是:控制我们清醒时的每个时间的时刻表。 考点:考查短文填词

In the middle of a beautiful day, I was feeling lost, as if the world was crashing on me. didn't know which way to go, except to head out to the countryside. I went to the spot where I used to take my kids-when I still had kids. Now they had     and were leaving.

      I was sitting alone in my car when I saw a man in his seventies, whose problem appeared bigger than mine. He stood near the edge of the road,      a kite spindle(风筝线锭) in his hands. Apparently, lost in thought, he stared skyward. I      my neck to see how successful he had been in     the clouds. Following his string with my eyes, I almost lost     0f the other end. Finally, the kite rested on what seemed to be the highest branch of the      tree in the park.  Obviously,  that was his grandson's kite!  The kite was a replica (复制品) of a beautiful bald eagle, and its wings spread     0pen. Grandpa had only one    to his problem: cut the string.

     "You wanted it to fly as high as it could. Bill. didn't you?" "Yes, Grandpa,      wanted to keep it forever. " "There just comes a time when the only thing you can do is to cut the string and let it go. Perhaps by doing that, when it flies very high like real eagles do, it will come back to us. " Grandpa said.

     I    how the old man cut the string to let fly the kite. As the two walked away, looked to the     . There I saw my answer, too. Today I have to cut the final strings that kept my two boys      my reach. Though I want to keep them forever, I have taught them to fly like an eagle. Maybe by doing this, when it's time to soar like real eagles do. one day they would come back to me.

1.A. grown up       B. turned up      C. picked up       D. taken up

2.A. carrying        B. grabbing       C. keeping        D. holding

3.A. raised          B. spread         C. stretched       D. expanded

4.A. reaching        B. touching       C. getting        D. climbing

5.A. scene          B. sight          C. interest        D. control

6.A. thickest        B. strongest       C. tallest         D. largest

7.A. widely         B. wide          C. tightly         D. closely

8.A. method         B. hope          C. solution       D. result

9.A. and            B. so            C. or            D. but

10.A. sensed         B. glanced        C. watched       D. found

11.A. car            B. sky           C. kite           D. tree

12.A. within         B. in            C. beyond        D. with



lt was his positive attitude to life and hard work _________finally led him to his successful career .

A. which          B. what             C. that               D. as



The witnesses_________ by the police just now described the fight quite differently.

A. questioned      B. being questioned    C. to be questioned    D. questioning



Those postcards were so lovely that they_________ in no time.

A. sold            B. had been sold      C. were sold         D. have been sold



John kept looking at the pretty girl, wondering whether he_________ her somewhere.

A. saw            B. has seen          C. sees             D. had seen



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