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Any day we wish;we can discipline oursel...

Any day we wishwe can discipline ourselves to change it a11Any day we wishwe can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledgeAny day we wishwe can start a new activityAny day we wishwe can start the process of life changeWe can do it immediatelyor next weekor next monthor next year

We can also do nothingWe can pretend rather than performAnd if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortablewe can remain as we areWe can choose rest over laborentertainment over educationdelusion(幻想)over truthand doubt over confidenceThe choices are ours to makeBut while we complain about the effectwe continue to nourish(助长)the cause

As Shakespeare uniquely observed“The fault is not in the starsbut in ourselves’’We created our circumstances by our past choicesWe have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today

Those who are in search of the good life do not need more answers or more time to think things over to reach better conclusions. They need the truth .They need the whole truth .And the responsibility to nothing but the truth

We cannot allow our errors in judgmentrepeated every dayto lead us down the wrong path

We must keep coming back to those basics that make the biggest difference in how our life works outAnd then we must make the very choices that will bring lifehappiness and joy into our daily lives .

And if I may be so bold to offer my last piece of advice for someone seeking and needing to make changes in their life—If you don’t like how things arechange it !You’re not a treeYou have the ability to totally transform every area in your life — and it all begins with your very own power of choice

1.The first paragraph tells us that_________.

Ano one wants to be disciplined

Bwe often need some new knowledge

Ctaking activities does good to our health

Dwe want to change all the time

2.We may conclude from the second paragraph that

A. whatever happens, we have to change ourselves

B. people tend to nourish the cause of bad results   

C. whether we change or not depends on ourselves

D. most choices we made are not good enough

3.From Shakespeare’s wordswe know________.

Ait  is our duty to change for the better

Bwe complain a lot about our past choices

Csometimes we have to face the fate

Dwe should believe in ourselves in life

4.In the author’s opinionifyou want a good lifewhat you need most is_______.

Aself confidence    Bgood choices    Cstrong wills  Dthe truth


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:我们一直都在想改变,是否我们改变取决于我们自己,每个人都有责任变得更好,关键是有个好的选择。 1.细节题:从第一段的句子:Any day we wish;we can discipline ourselves to change it a11.可知我们一直都在想改变,选D 2.细节题:从第二段的句子:The choices are ours to make.可知是否我们改变取决于我们自己,选C 3.细节题:从第三段的句子:We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today.可知从莎士比亚的话我们知道变得更好是我们的职责,选A 4.细节题:从文章最后一段的句子:You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life — and it all begins with your very own power of choice.可知根据作者所说:如果我们想过更好的生活,最需要的是好的选择,选B 考点:考查人生百味类短文

A carefree summer vacation can be yours with these easy tips

    1Fly into Alternate Airports

    Most major destinations are served by more than one airportFlying into a less popular one can result in cheaper ticketsAnother added perk of quieter airports? Shorter check-in and security linesand less waiting around

    2Use Public Transportation for City Travel to Save Time and Money

    When possibletake public transportation from the airport to your hotelFor examplethe London-Heathrow express train takes just 15 minutes to get from airport to city and costs under 20 poundsBy contrast“A taxi costs about 70 pounds and takes 40 minutes"reports DiScala

    3Eat SmartExplore…and Save

    Look for ways to take your order in pricey restaurants and you can avoid “Are we about to run out of money?”“Don’t order an appetizerDon’t drink a lot of booze” says DiScala

    Alsocover more ground by spreading out your snack places“Have dessert at a café or ice cream stand, instead of at the dinner restaurant” suggests DiScalaYou’ll see more of the city and decisions about where to go for dinner will be less worrying

4Hit the Market

Much like reading the local newspapervisiting a market gives context to a foreign country

Even the smallest villages tend to have a weekly open-air market(often on Saturday mornings) , while in larger towns and citiesexpect additional market daysas well as big supermarkets

Markets also sell amazingwallet-friendly souvenirsThink about sea saltlocal spices or saucesand regional oils and vinegarsEatable gifts are almost always appreciatedsaving you the stress of finding the“perfect”gift for each person on your list

1.The passage aims to tell the readers how to________

Atake a plane without waiting for long

Bspend your holidays abroad economically

Ceat in a pricey restaurant at the smallest expense

Dsave money to buy eatable gifts in a foreign market

2.What does the underlined word“perk” in Line 4 mean?

ASpecial benefit.   BStrict standard

CCommon scene.   DExtra trouble

3.Which of the following will best help you save time and money?

A. Choosing a bigger airport.    B .Visiting local markets

CHaving dinner at the hotel.  DTaking an express train

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

AHaving coffee at a cafe will cost more money

BSouvenirs bought at local markets are expensive

CYou will run out of your money if you eat out

DMarkets help you understand your tourist destination



With 10, 600 bicycles in circulationParis city officials are hoping the program will provide people with more environmentally friendly transportation

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    It seems both Parisians and tourists are taking advantage of the programSince its launch a little over two weeks agoVélib has already seen almost half a million rentalsAndwith the addition of 10000 more bikes and 700 more stations in the next 12 monthscity officials expect at least 200000 regular users by year end

     Parisian Olivier Bioret has already gone for a spin on one of Vélib’s vehicles and plans to make use of them more often

    “It’s a real pleasure—whenlike meyou don’t have space enough in your flat to have your

own bike—to be able to discoverto cross Paris and not have to take the subway”he said

     As a socialist and longtime green activistMayor Bertrand Delanoe regards Vélib as just a part of his plan to reduce car traffic andthuslower pollution by 2020

     Apart from its environmental benefitsVélib is also being praised as a way of collecting money for the cityfor all the money from rentals goes to the city government

     Paris is not alone in its attempt to profit from the power of the bicycles

     Across the globecities such as Barcelonawhich stated its bike-share program in March with 1,500 vehicles and 100 stationsand New Yorkwhich launched a five-day trial program last monthare using bicycles as a way to cut back on both traffic and pollution

     Howeverit remains to be seen whether people’s acceptance of these programs is simply a

passing fashion or whether this movement has the power to take root and transform the face of public transportation around the world

1.The real purpose of Vélib is________

Ato help people save money and space

Bto make some money for the city government

Cto provide convenience to both Parisians and tourists

Dto reduce traffic and pollution in the city

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

AThere will be 700 stations in one year’s time

BThere will be over 20, 000 bikes in use in a year

CIn the first two weeks there were nearly a million rentals

DThere will be 200, 000 regular rentals each day by year end

3.We can know from the passage that_________

Aother cities also have such programs

BParisians can use the bicycles free of charge

CParis sets an example to many other cities

DParis is the first city to start such a program

4.As to the future of the programthe author is_________

Acritical                                          Boptimistic                                          Cuncertain                                           Dnegative



As a teacherI often make it a rule that when we are on a field tripthere will be no talking aswe enter a buildingThis rule        to entering any placewhether it is a cinemaa churcha theatre, or any other place

    Oncein New York CityI took my class to see a(n)       near Times SquareWhen we

arrived at the theatrethere were about twenty other classes        outside waiting to get inThe students from the other schools were not        and there was pandemonium(乌烟瘴气)I told my students to stay in a line and keep      I told them that we would not carry ourselves like those other        Soon we started to file into the theatreand it was very disorganizedThere was a lady        the groups and get them to their seats    students were everywhere and        really knew where to goMy classobserving our rulewalked in        in two single-file linesWe stood near the door behind everyone elseand we        All of a suddenthe lady who was        noticed us and she walked         our directionShe asked the students        the teacher was for our group, and I raised my         She asked,“Very, very nice to meet youCome this way”We were led into the theatre         and we were given front-row seats

Sometimes        for others may not seem like it is going to have an effectespecially when you         no one around who is taking manners into        Howeverthat is usually the time when such       actions will be most appreciated and recognized

1.Aleads                                          Bapplies                                          Cturns                                                        Dbelongs

2.Aplay                                          Blady                                                        Cteacher                                          Dexhibition

3.Asorted out                            Bsettled down                            Cturned away                            Dlined up

4.Abehaving                            Blistening                                          Cconcentrating                Dwatching

5.Aorder                                          Bcontact                                          Cwatch                                          Dtime

6.Aplaces                            Bseats                                                        Cclasses                                          Dteachers

7.Ascold                                          Bdismiss                                          Cattract                                          Dorganize

8.Aand                                          Bbut                                                        Cso                                                        Dwhile

9.Aanyone                            Bnobody                                          Ceveryone                                          Dsomebody

10.Aanxiously                            Bimmediately                            Cquietly                                          Dhurriedly

11.Apassed                            Bchatted                                          Crushed                                          Dwaited

12.Ain trouble                            Bon guard                                          Cin charge                                          Don business

13.Ain                                          Bto                                                        Cfor                                                        Dunder

14.Ahow                                          Bwhere                                          Cwhat                                                        Dwhether

15.Avoice                                          Barm                                                        Chead                                                        Dhand

16.Afinally                            Bsomehow                                          Cfirst                                                        Dinstead

17.Arespect                            Blove                                                        Cconcern                                          Dsupport

18.Areceive                            Bvisit                                                        Crecognize                                          Dmeet

19.Apractice                            Beffect                                                        Caccount                                          Doperation

20.Aurgent                            Bkind                                                        Clegal                                                        Dfirm



Do you think I should work in that company?

AIs that so ?       BIt depends.       CI don’t think so.   DWhy not ?



The voice of China has set up a big stage for young people with a talent for music_________

some have stood out among them

Afor which        Bfrom whom        CWhere            Dwhen



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