满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Peter has gone to Beijing, but I’m wonde...

Peter has gone to Beijing, but I’m wondering why he ________ in such a hurry.

A. left           B. has left            C. leaves          D. was leaving


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:皮特已经去了北京,但是我想知道为什么他离开的这么匆忙。从Peter has gone to Beijing,可知离开这个动作是过去发生的,用一般过去式,选A。 考点:考查时态  



颜色:黑色和白色  功能:收发短信,照相,上网,下载音乐,浏览网页……

其他:MP4, 自选游戏……参考词汇:浏览 browse

注意:1.词数100左右   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。













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删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


          2、只允许修改十处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

In recent years, more and more young people have joined in the NEET group. They neither go to college or receive any training for future work and depend on their parents for a living. Most of us are aged from 16 to 30.

In my opinion, it is shameful for the young not to make their own responsibility for their own life. Parents get old, how if someday they can not provide anything? Beside, society may break without the involvement of young people. Be independent is the key to success. The young generation should never forget that.




Physical activity is known to reduce the risk of some diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It is also known to increase the release of endorphins(安多芬) which reduce feelings of pain and help people feel more happy and peaceful.

__1.__ Some experts believe it is the act of exercising itself. Others say it is the feeling one gets from having met an exercise goal. Either way, the two things work together when it comes to improving ones emotional health.

__2.__Aerobic exercise gets our heart rate going faster and increases our breathing. Activities like walking at an increased speed, dancing, swimming or riding a bicycle are good examples. Muscle- strengthening activities help build and strengthen muscle groups in the body.__ 3.__.

Experts said adults should get at least two and a half hours of aerobic exercise each week. More intense activities reduce the suggested amount of time to one hour and fifteen minutes. __4.__.

Earlier advice from the Centers for Disease Control said people need to exercise thirty minutes each day for at least five days to get the health benefits of exercise. More recent research suggested that those gains are the same whether you exercise for short periods over five days or longer sessions over two or three days.__ 5.__ A. They help people guarantee that they stay with the program.

A. There are two separate, but equally important kinds of physical activity.

B. This kind of exercise includes lifting weights, or doing sit-ups and push-ups.

C. Health experts have long noted the importance of physical activity.

D. There is some debate about exactly what causes the brain to release endorphins.

E. Experts say people should choose physical activities that they find fun.

F. Some examples are playing basketball, swimming and distance running.

G. Physical activity can help people reduce the risk of getting diabetes.



They say that the real marathon begins at 35 kilometers the rest is just a warm up. And sure enough, in 2009, at around the 36 kilometer point of the Beijing Marathon I experienced what runners call hitting the wall. I had been doing well until that point, but suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg. My pace slowed down dramatically and every brain cell in my head seemed to be screaming stop!!!

The last 5 kilometers were not fun; in fact, they were really hard work. Keeping motivated to run those last few kilometers was one of the hardest things I had ever done. But that is what makes running a marathon such a rewarding experience if it were easy everyone would do it.

              I have to admit it is sometimes not even easy to find the motivation to get out of bed, pull on your running shoes and head out into the morning to go for another run. These last two weeks of training for the Muztagata climb have been a little tough. I have been following my training plan for about three months but now I find that my original enthusiasm (热情) has all been used up. Day after day of going to the gym is beginning to wear me down and there still seems so much longer to keep this up. I have begun to doubt that I am actually making any progress or getting any fitter and even thought that I might be going backwards!

These are all very common experiences for people who are working towards challenging, longer term goals and I have learned to recognize these highsand lowsin my energy and enthusiasm. Over the years I have learned a number of tricks that help me to deal with the days when my early motivation seems to have abandoned me for good.

1.Many runners say that the real marathon begins at 35 kilometers because it is at this point that __________.

A. runners begin to enjoy running the marathon race

B. runners are worn out as if they are breaking down

C. the rest part is just the preparation for the race

D. the race is a rewarding experience for runners

2.When people are working extremely hard towards challenging, _________.

A. they can keep themselves motivated all the time

B. they will never hesitate to continue carrying out their plan

C. they sometimes feel as if they stop making progress

D. they will fail to keep their spirits up

3.What is the author going to talk about in the following passage?

A. How to get trained.                                                                     

B. Tips for becoming a marathon runner.

C. How to meet challenges.                                    

D. Tips for keeping motivation high.



Air pollution is one of the hottest topics at present because poor air quality is an important factor in both the incidence and cause of respiratory(呼吸道) diseases.

Zhong Nanshan, a deputy to the NPC and a member of the CAE, said recently when the concentration of PM2.5 rises by 10 micrograms per cubic meter, hospitalization may rise by as much as 3.1 percent. Meanwhile, when the concentration of PM2.5 rises from 25 mgs per cubic meter to 200, the average daily death rate may rise to 11 percent.

Zhi Xiuyi, a leading expert in lung cancer treatment and also vice-president of the CATS, said medical authorities used to focus on tobacco control as a primary means of preventing lung cancer. "But in fact, air pollution is no less harmful than smoking and our research team released a report earlier this year showing that the cancer rate in Beijing is closely related to industrialization," he said.

The report, conducted by the Beijing Institute of Cancer Research, shows that the number of cancer patients in China has increased markedly during the past ten years. Chaoyang District, the city's main area of industrialization, has the highest incidence of cancer, almost double that of Yanqing, an area on the outskirts of the city. About four out of 1000 Chaoyang residents have some form of the disease, with lung cancer at the top of the list.

"The risk of having cancer largely depends on the length of exposure and the concentration of noxious gases(有毒气体的浓度)," said Zhi. In response to the doubt whether seven years' exposure to poor air quality will almost result in cancer, Zhi said the time scale was taken from research overseas that suggested the rate of incidence generally peaked in the seventh year of exposure to a heavily polluted environment.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Medical researches on environment.

B. The disadvantages in big cities.

C. The only reason for the lung cancer.

D. Poor air quality contributing to lung cancer.

2.What can you conclude from the 3rd paragraph?

A. Compared with smoking, air pollution is more harmful.

B. Air pollution is as harmful as smoking.

C. It is very important to prevent people from smoking.

D. People realize the importance of keeping healthy.

3.If there were 3,000,000 people in Chaoyang District, how many would have respiratory diseases?

A. 16000       B. 12000       C. 8000        D. 7500

4.What can you infer from the passage?

A. Industrialization has its weakness as well as strengths.

B. The average death rate rises with different ages and places.

C. The air in Beijing is much more polluted than that in the other cities.

D. The more heavily-polluted air you breathe in, the sooner youll have cancer.



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