满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You fool! You __________ all the people ...

You fool! You __________ all the people in the car yesterday if it had not been for meYou were so drunk while driving!

Acould kill                                                                                                  Bmight have killed

Chad killed                                                                                                   Dshould have killed


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你个笨蛋,要不是我,你昨天会让车里面所有的人丧生。开车的时候,你醉的厉害。 从if it had not been for me.可知这是对过去虚拟的条件句,所以主句用would/could/might have done,所以选B。 考点:考查情态动词和虚拟语气  

--- Could I have a word with youMr. White?

--- OK__________ you make it shortI've got a meeting in five minutes

Aas far as                                                                                                                Bif only

Cso long as                                                                                                  Dnow that



Look! There is a whole crowd of people over thereGo and see what __________ and if it is a bargainbuy it

Ais selling                                                                                                  Bhas been selling

Cis being sold                                                                                                  Dhas been sold



E-BayAmazon and Shopbop are popular websites __________ people can sell goods to each other

Awhere                                          Bwhich                                          Cwhen                                                        Dwhose



--- Where is your great-grandmother __________ your mother’s side from?

    --- She is from Beijing

Aby                                                        Bon                                                        Cat                                                        Dof



--- What has made him upset recently?

--- __________ alone to face a troublesome case

ALeft                                          BBeing left                                          CHaving left                            DTo leave



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