满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I''m surprised that he ____ to help me w...

I''m surprised that he ____ to help me when I needed his help .

A . should refuse              B . would have refused

C . should have refused         D . may have refused


C 【解析】should 可以用来表示“竟然”的意思。依下文信息还要用情态动词+ have done 结构。全句意为:我很奇怪,当我需要他帮忙时,他竟然拒绝了  

Japan is ____ the east of China, while India is ____ the west of China.

A. to; on              B. on; to              C. in; to              D. to; in



In order to          in a short time, the actress ate a large amount of food

much fat and protein(蛋白质).

A. put on weight; contained                B. put on weight; containing

C. lose weight; containing                 D. lose weight; contained



It seems ________ our team is going to win.

A. even though      B. when                                   C. if                                  D. as if



How many practical plans has your deskmate made this week?

       . All have turned out disappointing.

A. None     B. Nothing     C. Nobody     D. No



In no city of China _____ little about the economic development

Athe government cares            Bdoes the government care

Cdoesn’t the government care    Dthe government doesn’t care



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