满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She looks sad. Could you please tell me ...

She looks sad. Could you please tell me ____ that prevents her from being as happy as before?

A. what it is     B. it is what       C. how it is        D. it is how


A 【解析】本题含有强调句型,若把It is----that去掉,则很容易地看出what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中充当主语。故选A。  

How are the team playing ?

They are playing well, but one of them _____ hurt.

A. got      B. gets       C. are       D. were



As we all know, it was _____ that resulted in the terrible car accident.

A. because of her carelessness              B. her being careless

C. because she was careless              D. she was so careless



I''m surprised that he ____ to help me when I needed his help .

A . should refuse              B . would have refused

C . should have refused         D . may have refused



Japan is ____ the east of China, while India is ____ the west of China.

A. to; on              B. on; to              C. in; to              D. to; in



In order to          in a short time, the actress ate a large amount of food

much fat and protein(蛋白质).

A. put on weight; contained                B. put on weight; containing

C. lose weight; containing                 D. lose weight; contained



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