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(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅰ)There’s no way of knowin...

(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅰ)There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery________another manalso intelligentfails.

Asince     Bif

Cas  Dwhile


D 【解析】选D。本题考查从属连词和并列连词的区别。句意:不清楚为什么一个人会有重大发现,而另外一个同样聪明的人却失败了。根据句意断定,该题的空格处需要填入一个并列联词。乍一看,这四个连词似乎都是从属连词,都不能填入句中。殊不知,在实际的语言运用过程中,while还具有并列连词的属性,表示“转折和对比”,正好符合句式结构和语意逻辑。故答案选D。其他三个选项都没有这种属性和功能,所以可以排除。  

According to sociologists(社会学家)every modern industrial society has some form of social stratification(阶层)Classpower and status are important in deciding people’s rank in society.

  Class means a person’s economic position in society.A commonly used classification is lower classmiddle class and upper class.While sociologists disagree on how these terms should be exactly definedthey do describe societies like the United States quite well.One study shows that 53% of Americans belong to the lower class,46% the middle classand 1% the upper class.Interestinglya surgeon earning $500,000 a year and a bus driver earning $50,000 a year both regard themselves as the middle class!

   Power refers to the amount of control a person has over other people.Obviouslypeople in positions of great power (such as governors) exercise(行使)big powerbut people who take orders from others have less power.Power and class do not always go hand in handhowever.For examplethe governor of a state has great powerbut he or she may not belong to a corresponding (相应的)economic class.Generallyhoweverthere is a relationship between power and class.To our knowledgethere aren’t too many people who aren’t millionaires in the US.Senate!

Status is the honor or respect attached to a person’s position in society.It can also be affected by power and classbut not necessarily so.For examplea university professor may have a high status but not belong to a high social class or have a lot of power over others.

1.What can we learn about“the middle class”from Paragraph 2?

APeople earning $50,000 a year belong to the middle class.

BNearly half Americans belong to the middle class.

CPeople generally consider bus drivers as the middle class.

DSociologists have a clear definition of the middle class.

2.According to the textwe know that________.

Apower and class do not always correspond with each other

Bstatus refers to a person’s economic position in society

Cpeople with high status have a lot of control over others

Dclass is less important in deciding a person’s social rank

3.Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?

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JoshuaHelmutand Bethlehem

Michelle ODonovan ISBN 9781462058679

Life is not easy for nine­year­old Joshua during World War Ⅱ.Because of his family’s Jewish backgroundthey are sent to live in the concentration camps(集中营)Scared and aloneJoshua one day makes friends with a little mouse he calls Bethlehem who becomes his closest friend.


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More Things in Heaven

Bill Bosworth

ISBN 9780595433582

In his More Things in HeavenBill Bosworth presents the highlights of his 83 years of lifeincluding his trips to India and the study of the writings of several great spiritual leaders.

More Things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences.


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Encourage Me

Inspirational Poetry

Gloria Coykendall

ISBN 9781412027854

It is an easy­to­read collection of poems originally written to encourage in faith and to be a cure for chronic depression(长期抑郁)..cure to strengthen identity and purpose.


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Creation or Evolution

Michael Ebifegha

ISBN 9781450289023

Were humans createdor did they evolveHow old is the EarthThe debate between science and religion continues to be heated.In Creation or EvolutionMichael Ebifegha examines these two opposed world views within the structure of empirical(实证的)science.


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Seeking the Edge

Dr.Joseph LRose

ISBN 9781462031795

Seeking the Edge provides the tools and techniques to find that edge in one’s lifedriving readers to achieve success whether in your current jobfinding a new jobin educationfamilyor even hobbies.

1.Who wrote the story about a little boy and a little mouse?

ABill Bosworth.  BMichelle ODonovan.

CDr.Joseph LRose.  DGloria Coykendall.

2.The ISBN for the book of poems is________.

A9781462031795  B9781412027854

C9780595433582  D9781462058679

3.What kind of readers will probably like reading More Things in Heaven?

AThose who are searching for the meaning of life.

BThose who are trying to be spiritual leaders.

CThose who study the art of writing.

DThose who like traveling abroad.

4.Which of the following books explores the origin of humans?

ASeeking the Edge.

BCreation or Evolution.

CJoshuaHelmutand Bethlehem.

DMore Things in Heaven.




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1.What you have just read is a________.

Anote  Breport

Cschedule  Dposter

2.What is going to take place on 2 February,2013?

AA big event to welcome a Chinese new year.

BA social gathering to raise money for wildlife.

CA party for close friends to meet and have fun.

DA meeting of Kwun Tong High School students.

3.How much do you have to pay in total if four of you go together?

A$20.  B$40.

C$60.  D$80.

4.Which of the following statements is true?

ATickets are sold in Kwun Tong High School.

BIt’s unnecessary to take soft drinks with you.

CFree digital cameras are provided for everybody.

DFestival food will be served without extra charge.



When 19­year­old Sophia Giorgi said she was thinking of volunteering to help the Make­A­Wish Foundation (基金会)nobody understood what she was talking about.But Sophia knew just how important Make­A­Wish could be because this special organization had helped to make a dream come true for one of her best friends.We were interested in finding out moreso we went along to meet Sophia and listen to what she had to say.

Sophia told us that Make­A­Wish is a worldwide organization that started in the United States in 1980.“It’s a charity(慈善机构)that helps children who have got very serious illnesses.Make­A­Wish helps children feel happy even though they are sickby making their wishes and dreams come true”Sophia explained.

We asked Sophia how Make­A­Wish had first started.She said it had all begun with a very sick young boy called Chriswho had been dreaming for a long time of becoming a policeman.Sophia said lots of people had wanted to find a way to make Chris’s dream come truesowith everybody’s helpChrisonly seven years old at the timehad been a“policeman”for a day.“When people saw how delighted Chris was when his dream came truethey decided to try and help other sick children tooand that was the beginning of Make­A­Wish”explained Sophia.

Sophia also told us the Foundation tries to give children and their families a specialhappy time.A Make­A­Wish volunteer visits the families and asks the children what they would wish for if they could have anything in the world.Sophia said the volunteers were important because they were the ones who helped to make the wishes come true.They do this either by providing things that are necessaryor by raising money or helping out in whatever way they can.

1.Sophia found out about Make­A­Wish because her best friend had________.

Abenefited from it

Bvolunteered to help it

Cdreamed about it

Dtold the author about it

2.According to SophiaMake­A­Wish________.

Ais an international charity

Bwas understood by nobody at first

Craises money for very poor families

Dstarted by drawing the interest of the public

3.What is said about Chris in Paragraph 3?

AHe has been a policeman since he was seven.

BHe gave people the idea of starting Make­A­Wish.

CHe wanted people to help make his dream come true.

DHe was the first child Make­A­Wish helped after it had been set up.

4.Which of the following is true about Make­A­Wish volunteers?

AThey are important for making wishes come true.

BThey try to help children get over their illnesses.

CThey visit sick children to make them feel special.

DThey provide what is necessary to make Make­A­Wish popular.



The Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits.Here are some findings and expert advice.

1How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?

FindingA full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

StepRemove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery­operated toothbrush.Brush gently for 2 minutesat least twice a day.

2How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

FindingSeniorson averagebathe fewer than 3 days a week.And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a dayhalf of the number doctors recommend.

StepWe touch our faces around 3,000 times a dayoften inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouthnoseand eyes.Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle.Andmost importantwash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3How often do you think about fighting germs?

FindingSeniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

StepBe aware of germs.Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything elseTo kill these germskeep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

1.What is found out about American seniors?

AMost of them have good habits.

BNearly 30% of them bathe three days a week.

CAll of them are fighting germs better than expected.

DAbout one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.

2.Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands ________.

Atwice a day

Bthree times a day

Cfour times a day

Deight times a day

3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

AWe should keep from touching our faces.

BThere are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.

CA kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.

DWe should wash our hands before touching a door handle.

4.The text probably comes from ________.

Aa guide book

Ba popular magazine

Ca book review

Dan official document



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