满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Australia is one of the few countries __...

Australia is one of the few countries ________ people drive on the left.

Awhere Bthat

Cwhen Dwhich


A 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:在一些国家,人们靠左行驶,澳大利亚就是这几个国家之一。此句中的“countries”是先行词,后接定语从句,从句的引导词在句中作地点状语,故选A。  

Three of the town's factories have closed down ________ the space of a year.

Aamong Bafter

Cbeyond    Dwithin



The old couple used to live deep in the countryside, without easy ________ to shops.

Aapproach Baccess

Ctransport Dconvenience



It is ________ challenge for graduates to get ________ job as unemployment is high nowadays.

Athe;不填 Ba;不填

Caa CD.不填;the



—I'm sorry I've spilt some tea on the tablecloth.

—________it will wash out.

ANever mind BCome on

CAll right DGo ahead



The kiwi bird

The kiwi bird is a flightless birdabout the size of a chicken. It sleeps during the day and is active at night­time. It has a long beak that is one­third the length of its body, and its beak actually has nostrils (鼻孔) at the end. The kiwi is the only bird with this feature. Another unique feature of the kiwi is  that it has no tail. It has thick brown hair­like feathers. This bird  has many physical features unlike any other bird on earth.

Kiwi birds have been called a genetic leftover. Their characteristics seem very odd to us probably due to the fact that they haven't evolved much at all. They are suspected to be about 8 million years old. That's 7 million years older than humans. Due to New Zealand's isolated environment, it has been safe from predators(食肉动物) and hasn't needed to do much adapting. They just hang around.

With its long beak, the kiwi digs up and chows down on  worms. A kiwi is almost blind; it can see about six feet at night and around two feet during the dayso when it comes to hunting the kiwi is not well equipped.It uses the nostrils on its  beak to find its food and then picks up the worms with its beak.

The kiwi bird is native of New Zealand.It is the island country's national bird, and is rare anywhere but here and a few Pacific island neighbors. Of courseit is available for viewing at certain zoos.It has stayed in its native land due to the facts that it is an isolated island and that kiwis can't fly.

Kiwi birds are extremely unique in the bird world. Though they are the size of chickens, they lay eggs the size of ostrich eggs, weighing around a pound each.Their enormous eggs are the largest in the bird world, compared to their bodies. These birds were named after their distinctive shrill cry “kee­wee kee­wee”

1.Which of the following is NOT the distinctive feature of the kiwi bird?

AIt has no tail at all.

BIt has a long beak.

CIts feathers are thick and brown.

DThere are nostrils at the end of its beak.

2.Kiwi birds haven't evolved much over the past 8 million years probably because ________.

Athe climate is mild

Bthey have no enemy

Csomething is wrong with their genes

Dthey have adapted to living on the island

3.What plays a key role in looking for food?

AIts long beak. BIts eyes.

CThe nostrils. DIts tail

4.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

AThe kiwi bird's habitat.

BThe kiwi bird is New Zealand's national bird.

CThe kiwi bird can not fly.

DThe kiwi bird is available at zoos.

5.Kiwi birds got their name from ________.

Athe large size of their eggs

Bthe food they feed on

Ctheir appearance

Dtheir unique cry



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