满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

(2013·山西大学附属中学期中测试) The news of a famous...

(2013·山西大学附属中学期中测试) The news of a famous educator's coming to our school for a visit was ________ on the radio yesterday.

Aturned out Bfound out

Cgiven out Dcarried out


C 【解析】句意:一位著名的教育家来我校访问的消息昨天在广播中公布了。turn out“最终结果是,最终成为”;find out“查明,弄清,发现”;give out“公布,宣布”;carry out“执行,实行”。根据句意,应选C。  

(2013·衡水一模) The question ________ you should take this medicine should be decided by your family doctor.

Awhy Bwhat

Cwhether Dthat



(2013·东北育才中学月考) Prices of the houses in Chongqing are quite high, while those in Shenzhen are ________.

Amore than twice as higher

Bas more than twice higher

Cas twice more than high

Dmore than twice as high



(2013·潍坊一中期末测试) After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, ________ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.

Awhich Bwho

Cwhere Dwhat



(2013·泰安一中阶段测试) —Do you think he can get first prize in jumping?

—Impossible now. He ________ to do sobut he has just hurt his leg.

Awould expect Bwas expected

Chas expected Dis expected



(2013·昆明一中二次双基测试) —Baby, you should learn to share with others. Give ________ half of the apple to the little boy looking at you.

—I will, Mum.

Aanother Bother

Cthe other Dother's



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