满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many of them turned a deaf ear to his ad...

Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice________ they knew it to be valuable.

Aas if  Bnow that

Ceven though  Dso that


C 【解析】“Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice”和“they knew it to be valuable”意思相反,四个选项中引导让步状语从句的even though最为适合。  

A man cannot smile like a child________ a child smiles with his eyeswhile a man smiles with his lips alone.

Aso  Bbut  Cand  Dfor



________he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.

AA quiet student as he may be

BQuiet student as he may be

CBe a quiet student as he may

DQuiet as he may be a student



If you are traveling ________ the customs are really foreign to your ownplease do as the Romans do.

Ain which  Bwhat  Cwhen  Dwhere



In peacetoothe Red Cross is expected to send help ________ there is human suffering.                 

Awhoever  Bhowever  Cwhatever  Dwherever



(2013·皖南八校联考) ________ a lady of her necklace, the young man was arrested on the spot by a policeman.

AHaving caught robbing             BCaught robbing

CBeing caught robbing               DCatch robbing



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