满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Don't always turn to particular pattern...

—Don't always turn to particular patterns time after time in our life.

—I agree. We would otherwise________our thinking by rules or common attitude.

Ainspect Blimit

Cjudge Drecover


B 【解析】考查动词辨析。limit one's thinking限制思维。——在生活中别老是使用固定的模式。——我同意。要不然我们会被规则或众人的想法所限制。  

Everyone knows how________feels to get so angry that you want to throw things or even hurt others.

Athat Bit

Che Dyou



Although the increase in the present sum used for the research is________a great breakthrough could still be achieved by the end of this year.

Acommon Bsudden

Cenormous Dmodest



________the American economy expanded at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in July—September, it faced a long road to recovery.

ASince BIf

CWhile DWhen



In an economy ________income per head used to rise by barely 1% a year, current growth rates feel like a miracle.

Awhen Bwhose

Cthat Dwhere



“Russia wants to maintain its established diplomatic relations with Libya  and  never  interrupt  them________which government was in power in Libya” the leader said.

Abecause of Bregardless of

Cin need of  Din terms of



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