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Whenever anyone measures educational suc...

Whenever anyone measures educational success, East Asian countries are always top scorers. But in a recent league table, a European country, Finland, was top of the class. South Korea was still in second place, though. Britain was at number 6.

In Korea the school day is long—typically 7 or 8 hours, followed by hours of private tutoring in the evenings. All_this_hothousing leaves Korean students so tired, they sometimes fall asleep in class next day. Worries about the effects of late night cramming(考试的突击准备) led the government to force cramming schools to close by 10 pm. Finnish children spend the least time in class in the developed world, often finishing just after lunch, with about one hour of homework a day. Private tuition is uncommon. The British and American school day is quite long in comparison, around 6 hours, and secondary school pupils do 2 or 3 hours of self­study a night.

The Korean education system, like many in Asia, is intensely competitive, with students even competing to get into the best cramming schools, to help them get ahead. Finnish education is far less cut­throat. Classes are all mixed ability, and there are no league tables. British schools again occupy the middle ground, with quite high levels of competition for places at university, and schools and universities battling to come top of league tables for everything from exam results to student satisfaction. Korea and Finland both do well, yet their education systems are so different.

However, there are some similarities between Korea and Finland. In those countries, teachers have high status in society, and education is very highly valued. Those attitudes can't change quickly. But it can be done. They might be the star pupils now, but until the 1970s, Finland's education system was poor. Their thoroughly different approach to schooling has taken them to the top in just a generation.

1.The students spend the least time in school in ________.

Athe UK  BFinland  Cthe USA  DKorea

2.According to the text, we think in Korea ________.

Astudents spend more time in studying

Bstudents are tired of studying in class

Cstudents leave their school early

Dstudents are always top scorers

3.The underlined phrase “All this hothousing” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ________.

Aprivate evening tutoring  Bself­study at home

Clong­hour study  Dschool study

4.From Paragraph 3, we can know that ________.

AFinnish students are less stressed in study

Bthere're also many cramming schools in Britain

Cstudents in Korea are the most competitive in Asia

DBritish schools are less competitive than universities

5.According to the author, the key to improving education is ________.

Athe attitude  Bthe schooling time

Cstar pupils  Dnew teaching approach


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A 【解析】文章介绍了最新全球教育成就排名,芬兰第一、韩国第二,并对一些国家的教育制度进行了比较。 1. 2.2】答案:A 细节理解题。结合第二段第一句及全文可知,韩国学生花费在学习上的时间较多。 3. 4.4】答案:A 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,芬兰学生之间的竞争远没有那么激烈。 5.5】答案:A 推理判断题。在最后一段作者提到,教师社会地位高以及对教育的高度重视是韩国和芬兰共同具有的特征。再根据Those attitudes can't change quickly.But it can be done.可推断出,作者认为改善教育的关键是态度。

(2013·山西太原部分中学高三统一检测)She looked after the orphan ________ he were her own child.

Aas if Beven though

Cnow that  Din case



(2013·甘肃兰州名校高三检测)The police set about arresting the suspect ________ they found enough evidence to prove him guilty.

Aimmediate  Bas long as

Cthe moment  Das far as



(2013·宁夏银川一中高三第四次考试)________ scores of times, but he still couldn't understand it.

AHaving explained

BHaving been explained

CThough it was explained

DIt was explained



(2013·河北普通高中高三质量监测)________ I couldn't fully understand what he wanted to show in his paintings, I thought his works were quite impressive.

AAs  BSince  CIf  DWhile



(2013·北京朝阳模拟)Jim came back early last night. It was not yet eight o'clock ________ he got home.

Abefore  Bthat  Cwhen  Duntil



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