满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I will always remember _____ to the star...

I will always remember _____ to the star’s concert and what I experienced there.

A. taking   B. being taken    C. to take      D. to be taken


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我常常想起被带去听巨星的音乐会和在那里经历的事情。Remember to do表示记得将要做某事,而Remember doing表示记得做过某事,这里表示表示记得做过某事,故用Remember doing,且“我”和“带到音乐会”是被动关系,故用被动式,选B。 考点:考查固定用法和语态  

As PM2.5 readings reached as high as 900 in some cities, people are more _____ to get lung cancer in such conditions. 

A. probable     B. perhaps       C. possible      D. likely



He was such __ good speaker that he held our attention every minute of __ three-hour lecture.

A. /; the        B. a; /          C. a; the        D. a; a



某英文报社准备刊发一篇题为”Living in a City”有关城市生活利和弊的文章。根据下面提示写一篇英语短文。



要求:1. 覆盖以上全部内容,可适当发挥。

  2. 词数100左右,标题已给出。









  Tom and Dick are next door neighbor who both work in same office. They often walk together to and from work. Once they were walking to home together while it suddenly started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbrella and said proud“My wife really has great foresight. She said this morning it would rain and tell me to carry my umbrella. ”Dick smiled and walked up to her under the protection of the umbrellasaid“Mine has even great foresight. She didn’t let me. carry one as she knew you’d share yours to me.




People around the world used their computers to buy goods, communicate with others, listen to music, see pictures and learn about different places and ideas. In 2006, more people around the world used new ways to communicate and connect with each other through the Internet.

    1.    Blog is a short way of saying Web log. Through these personal websites, people can share their experiences, ideas and opinions with anyone on the Internet.

  People of all ages have their own blogs. For young people, they are a way to show their writings and other forms of self-expression.

  2.  These sites include “MySpace”, used mainly by teenagers and young adults. MySpace is an online community that lets people share message and pictures with an increasing number of friends.   3.   

  YouTube is another Internet site that became more popular this year. This website lets anyone create, share and watch short videos. People can watch almost anything on YouTubenews, sports and entertainment events.   4.    These include videos of people singing or dancing, or animals doing funny things. Three young men created YouTube almost two years ago as a personal’video sharing service. They recently sold it to Google for more than one half billon dollars.  

  Games and entertainment also became a larger part of the Internet this year. One Internet social site is called Second Life.   5.    They get married, build homes, operate businesses, buy and sell goods, work, play and attend school.

A. The blog is one form of communication that enjoys growing popularity.  

B. People of all ages use computers to express themselves.

C. It is an online world in which computer users create a new self and live a different life.

D. Many Websites offer free services to create personal Web pages and fill them with writing site on the web.

E. There are music videos, and videos made by people in their own homes.

F. More and more people are buying computers because of the lower price.

G. It is the most popular social networking site on the web.



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