满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



[1]Your vocabulary refers to the words in a language you are familiar with.Your active vocabulary contains the words you understand and use in speech and in print,and your passive vocabulary includes the words you do not use but understand.Although children learn more new words than adults,the vocabulary of an adult is not fixed and can be increased.Improve your language skills with daily exposure to new words,their pronunciations and meanings.

[2].The more often you read,the faster your vocabulary can grow.Choose reading material that is slightly above your level and keep a dictionary with you to look up words you do not know.

[3]Find a new word every day.If you do not encounter an unfamiliar word in your daily reading,use your dictionary to search for one.

[4]Learn the correct definition and pronunciation for each new word you encounter.Pronunciation is as important as definition because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary,you must be able to use it in speech.

[5]Explain the meaning of the word so that you can connect it to something memorable.Use imagery and personal relevance(关联).If you have just learned that the word“obstinate”means stubborn and unyielding,think about the neighbor who will not lend you his car.Imagine him shaking his head,and think of him as obstinate in his refusal.

[6]Use your new word in speech and in writing.Tell a friend about your boss obstinately refusing to reschedule your vacation time.E-mail your sister about how your cat is obstinate about sleeping on your pillow.The first time you use a new word in speech it may seem clumsy and forced,but the more you use it,the more fluent you will become in its use.Soon it will be a regular part of your active vocabulary.

[7]Tell everyone you are trying to increase your vocabulary.Encourage them to ask you what your latest word is,or to ask for the definition of a new word you have used.The more you explain the meaning of a word to someone,the more likely you are to remember it.

1.What is the passage mainly about?(no more than 6 words)

2.What’s the purpose of the example of the word“obstinate”in Paragraph 5?(no more than 20 words)

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)

4.What should we do if there is no unfamiliar word in our daily reading?(no more than 7 words)

5.What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)


1.How to enlarge/increase your /our vocabulary 2.to tell us/show how to use imagery and personal relevance to explain the meaning of a word. 3.Read every day /Read often. 4.Use your dictionary to search for one. 5.New word. 【解析】 1.How to enlarge your vocabulary fast. 信息归纳题。文章首段提出the vocabulary of an adult is not fixed and can be increased. “一个人的词汇不是固定不变的是可以增加的”,然后提出了几条关于如何扩大词汇的方法,由此推断文章中心是如何快速增加词汇量,即:How to enlarge your vocabulary fast. 2.Use your dictionary to search for one. .信息查找题。从文章第三段If you do not encounter an unfamiliar word in your daily reading, use your dictionary to search for one 可知对于不认识的单词要查字典,即:.Use your dictionary to search for one。 3. 信息判断题。在文章第五段作者提出We can use imagery and personal relevance to explain the meaning of a word ,然后以单词 “obstinate”为例对此进行进一步解释,所以obstinate是起到论据的作用,用来说明Use imagery and personal relevance。 4. 信息归纳题。在第二段作者提到The more often you read, the faster your vocabulary can grow.,然后作者在本段主要介绍了经常阅读的重要性,由此判断此处是提倡人们要多进行阅读,所以填Read every day。 5. 信息判断题。根据上句because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary可以判断it 指代a word,句意:为了给你的积极词汇增加一个新词,你必须在讲话时能使用它。 考点:阅读表达。

How far would you be willing to go to satisfy your need to know? Far enough to find out your possibility of dying from a terrible disease? These days that’s more than an academic question,as Tracy Smith reports in our Cover Story.

There are now more than a thousand genetic(基因的)tests,for everything from baldness to breast cancer,and the list is growing.Question is do you really want to know what might eventually kill you? For instance,Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson,one of the first people to map their entire genetic makeup, is said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for  Alzheimer’(老年痴呆症).

“If I tell you that you have an increased risk of getting a terrible disease,that could weigh on your mind and make you anxious,through which you see the rest of your 1ife as you wait for that disease to hit you.It could really mess you up.”Said Dr.Robert Green,a Harvard geneticist.

“Every ache and pain,”Smith suggested,could be understood as“the beginning of the e nd.”“That’s right.If you ever worried you were at risk for Alzheimer's disease,then every time you can’t find your car in the parking lot,you think the disease has started.”

Dr.Green has been thinking about this issue for years.He led a study of people who wanted to know if they were at a higher genetic risk for Alzheimer’s.It was thought that people who got bad news would,for lack of a better medical term,freak out.But Green and his team found that there was “no significant difference”between how people handled good news and possibly the worst news of their lives.In fact,most people think they can handle it.People who ask for the information usually can handle the information,good or bad,said Green.

1.The first paragraph is meant to .

A.ask some questions    B.introduce the topic

C.satisfy readers,curiosity D.describe an academic fact

2.Which of the following is true of James Watson?

A.He is strongly in favor of the present genetic tests.

B.He is more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

C.He believes genetic mapping can help cure any disease.

D.He doesn’t want to know his chance of getting a disease.

3.According to Paragraphs 3 and 4,if a person is at a higher genetic risk,it is .

A.advisable not to let him know   

B.impossible to hide his disease

C.better to inform him immediately

D.necessary to remove his anxiety

4.The underlined part“freak out”in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to .

A.break down    B.drop out    C.leave off D.turn away

5.The study led by Dr.Green indicates that people .

A.prefer to hear good news        B.tend to find out the truth

C.can accept some bad news D.have the right to be informed



Researchers have developed new software using smart phones’GPS and imaging abilities that determine the exact location of distant objects as well as monitor the speed and direction of moving objects.The software could eventually allow smart phone-armed soldiers to target the location of their enemies.On the home front,the software could be used by everyone,including golfers judging distance to the green and biologists documenting the location of a rare animal without disturbing it.

“The great advantage of a Smartphone is that it provides so many tools in a single,readily available,relatively inexpensive package,”said Qia Wang,a doctoral student who led the development of the software.“For example,on the battlefield,a soldier needs a rangefinder,compass,GPS and other tools to get information before calling in an air strike.With our software,the soldier can have all those instruments in one device that can be purchased off the shelf.When that soldier returns from War,she can use the same Software to protect her family by clocking a speeder near her children’s school and catching the criminal on video.”

Wang and his colleagues developed their software to locate and track:

Targets of known size—when the size of the target is known.a single image is enough to pinpoint the target’s location.

Targets of unknown size—If the exact size of a target is unknown,the software uses two images to triangulate the location of the target·

Moving targets—By taking a short video of a moving target,the smartphone software can calculate how fast the target is moving and in what direction it is going.

“Currently,our software is limited by the physical abilities of smartphone hardware,but the devices are improving rapidly,”Wang said.“We expect that improvements in GPS accuracy,battery  life  and  camera  resolution  will  allow  our  software to  make  even  more  accurate observations.”

1.From Paragraph 1 we can know that the new software can.

A.determine the speed of moving objects   

B.1ocate objects in the distance exactly

C.defend soldiers against their enemies

D.help biologists protect rare animal

2.The example given by Qia Wang is meant to .

A.make an advertisement   

B.describe the software briefly

C.show the benefits of the software

D.present the functions of smartphones

3.How does the software calculate the speed of a moving object?

A.By taking a short video.   

B.By locating its position.

C.By taking a single image.

D.By measuring real-life size.

4.What’s Qia Wang’s attitude towards the future of the software?

A.Casual.    B.Optimistic.    C.Cautious.D.Flexible

5.What is the best title of the text?

A.Qia Wang,a Talented Doctoral Student

B.Use Smartphones to Their Full Potential

C.Targeting and Tracking With Smartphones  

D.Smartphone-armed Soldiers on the Battlefield



Many years ago,a French naturalist,the Count de Buffon,wrote some books about natural history.The books were a great success even though some critics did not like them.Some critics said,“Count Buffon is more of a poet than a scientist.”

Thomas Jefferson did not like what the Count had said about the natural wonders of the New World.It seemed to Jefferson that the Count had spoken of natural wonders in America as if they were unimportant.

This troubled Thomas Jefferson.He too was a naturalist,as well as a farmer,inventor,historian,writer and politician.He had seen the natural wonders of Europe.To him,they were no more important than those of the New World.

In 1788,Thomas Jefferson wrote about his home state,Virginia.While writing,he thought of its natural beauty and then of the words of the Count de Buffon.At that moment.Jefferson created a new word—belittle.He said.“The Count de Buffon believes that nature belittles her productions on this side of the Atlantic.”

Noah Webster,the American word expert,liked this word.He put it in this English language dictionary in 1806,“Belittle—to make small,unimportant.”

Americans had already accepted Jefferson’s word and started to use it.In 1797,the Independent Chronicle newspaper used the word to describe a politician the paper supported.“He is an honorable man,”the paper wrote,“so let the opposition try to belittle him as much as they please.”

In 1872,a famous American word expert decided that the time had come to kill this word.He said,“Belittle has no chance of becoming English.And as more critical writers of America,like those of Britain,feel no need of it,the sooner it is forgotten,the better.”

This expert failed to kill the word.Today.belittle is used where the English language is spoken.

1.Why did Thomas Jefferson disagree with the Count de Buffon?

A.The Count said something silly about the Atlantic.

B.The Count wasn’t a true scientist in natural history.

C.The Count was a poet from a different country.

D.The Count belittled the natural wonders in America.   

2.We can infer that Jefferson created the word“belittle”out of his .

A.anger    B.excitement      C.kindness   D.responsibility

3.From the text we can know that .

A.all critics thought little of the Count de Buffon

B.Europe has better wonders than the New World

C.the word“belittle”survived from disagreements

D.word experts can change the future of a new word

4.Which of the following is true of the word“belittle”?

A.It is gradually accepted by people. 

B.It was invented by the Count de Buffon.

C.It was used to describe nature.

D.The Independent Chronicle made it popular.

5.What is the main idea of the text?

A.How the word“belittle”came into being.

B.The argument about natural wonders.

C.Every word has a long history behind.

D.Noah Webster supported Jefferson’s idea.



As the new semester begins,millions of college students across the country are trying hard to remember how best to write a paper-or,more likely,how best to delay that paper.

Procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it.They can spend whole days in the library doing nothing but staring into space,eating snacks,surfing the Internet,watching videos and looking at their pretty peers sitting around them,who,most likely,are doing nothing either.

Paralyzed by their habit to procrastinate,they write micro blogs about their fears,asking their online friends if they sometimes have the same issue.But this does nothing to solve their problems.

According to a recent report by the BBC,95 percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20 percent of the world’s population are procrastinators,complicating their lives with their continual delaying of tasks.

Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior,but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong.Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure.Pelling says this is nonsense,as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time.

She says the behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel flustered and ashamed,inconveniences others,and annoys loved ones.

Fortunately,social seientists have made tireless efforts to understand this behavioral shortcoming and offer strategies to control it.Piers Steel,a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation,believes humankind is“designed”to procrastinate.Nevertheless,he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.

The first one is obvious:Break the task down into small pieces and work your way through them methodically.

The second is clever:Give a trusted friend a sum of money and tell them that if you don’t complete the task you have undertaken by a specific time,they can keep it or donate it to a cause you hate.

1.What does the underlined word“Procrastination” in the second paragraph refer to?

A.A bad habit of putting work or tasks off.

B.A thief who steals time and money in college.

C.A college student who learns nothing.

D.A study way of doing nothing in the library.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A.College students can have their papers written if they delay them.

B.Many students don’t know what to do in the library.

C.Students can’t solve their procrastination by writing micro blogs.

D.20%of the procrastinators make their life complicated.

3.According to Rowan Pelling,we can learn that procrastinators .

A.can find reasonable excuses for their behavior

B.are able to work best under pressure

C.are more likely to avoid mistakes at work[]

D.may upset themselves and their loved ones more frequently

4.Which of the following may Piers Steel support?

A.Human beings are not born to be procrastinators.   

B.Complete your tasks or work step by step.

C.Give your trusted friend money and ask him to help you finish your tasks.

D.You can’t control procrastination but you can avoid it.

5.What’she best title of the text?

A.Who steals my time?   

B.The solutions to procrastination

C.I’ll do it tomorrow,I swear!

D.Don’t do nothing!



In Singapore,most of us love window-shopping while some others enjoy having a picnic at East Coast Park or Changi Beach on sunny days.Singaporeans are never bothered by the occasional thunderstorm.However,we know that if it rains for long continuous periods,there will be more serious effects.Just recently the main shopping street of Orchard Road was flooded and some part of Bukit Timah was impassable(不能通行的)to traffic.People reacted by writing in to the newspaper to complain about this! We forget that other countries suffer much worse effects.

Elsewhere,heavy tropical(热带的)storms often result in floods that ruin crops especially in Thailand and Malaysia.This in turn usually means that the price of rice and vegetables here in Singapore will rise because we import these products from them.If there is a typhoon or tsunami,thousands of lives are lost too.This happened in Indonesia and Phuket in Thailand in 2004 and It serves to remind us of how Mother Nature can cause great damage.

Weather patterns in general have changed dramatically in recent years.Scientists believe that global warming and the resulting melting of the polar ice-cap has caused the level of the ocean to rise.This in turn causes flooding of low-lying areas in countries where the land is rather flat and some parts of which is below water level.It is believed that human activities have caused Mother Nature to show her extreme anger,so it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities,for example,illegal logging(伐木)or irresponsible forest-burning to clear land for farming.

1.From Paragraph 1,we can see that most Singaporeans love .

A.making complaints   

B.going out for picnics

C.doing window-shopping

D.traveling along the coast

2.What will happen in Singapore if there are floods in its neighboring countries?

A.Heavy tropical storms will follow shortly.

B.The price of rice and vegetables will go up.

C.Many people will write in to the newspaper.

D.More rice and vegetables will be imported.

3.The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 2 refers to .

A.the arrival of heavy tropical storms   

B.the import of rice and vegetables

C.the rising price of rice and vegetables

D.the loss of lives in natural disasters

4.What’s the right order of the following events?

a.global warming    b.the rise in ocean level

c.harmful human activities d.the flooding of low-lying areas

e.the melting of the polar ice-cap

A.c→a→e→b→d    B.a→c→e→b→d

C.c→a→b→e→d    D.d→a→c→b→e

5.What should we do in order not to make Mother Nature angry?

A.Clear more land for farming.   

B.Reduce harmful human activities.

C.Bring down the price of food.

D.Improve the quality of weather.



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